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Name Kommentar  
23.01.2014, 13:05

Nr.: 559   
CN.: 291/2
Bewertung:   MoD: eMule 0.50a Mephisto v3.0

dann wfcrde ich sagen deine USB-Ports sind entweder nicht aclnsehgossen oder du hast die i-wie zerschossen Aber das ist ncith mal ein Teil meines Problems. Bei mir funken alle Ports ffcr Sticks, Tastaturen, Me4use usw Ledeglich meine Externe wird ncithmehr erkannt Kennst du vielleicht eine Mf6glichkeit die Platte zu formatieren ohne drauf zu zu greifen?! Oder eine andere art alles drauf zu lf6schen das die wieder funktioniert?

23.01.2014, 12:03

Nr.: 558   
CN.: 291/2
Bewertung:   MoD: eMule 0.50a Mephisto v3.0

Your's is a point of view where real inetglilence shines through.

23.01.2014, 07:59

Nr.: 557   
CN.: 291/2
Bewertung:   MoD: eMule 0.50a Mephisto v3.0

Boom shlaaakka boom boom, problem solved.

23.01.2014, 06:29

Nr.: 556   
CN.: 291/2
Bewertung:   MoD: eMule 0.50a Mephisto v3.0

hey-it's great to see ya back-don't rush and take your time, it's just good to know that we have you back thank you for all you've shared in the past and i do look fworard to the future again, you are really appreciated .. norsevarg

23.01.2014, 05:48

Nr.: 555   
CN.: 291/2
Bewertung:   MoD: eMule 0.50a Mephisto v3.0

> I did notice the link Rare and Vintage and I jupemd in it . wow it's the new > blog-forum by Vadim, freshly opened. I have some questions: do you know how to get > registration to that forum? Did you go in there?Yes I did. Just click on Log in and register and follow the instructions.

23.01.2014, 05:26

Nr.: 554   
CN.: 331/232
Bewertung:   MoD: eMule 0.50a Mephisto v3.0

Hey Joe,I've been anxiously aiiatwng for Shaken to be released. Can't wait to read it. A couple of things: 1) Do you plan on releasing an audio version of this book? 2) I tried converting the book using Calibre and I get the following error message.Could not convert: Convert book 1 of 1 (Shaken)It is a DRMed book. You must first remove the DRM using third party tools.I'm very familiar with Calibre so I'm pretty sure it's not just me making a mistake. Is anybody else having problems converting?Thanks!

23.01.2014, 03:49

Nr.: 553   
CN.: 443/51
Bewertung:   MoD: eMule 0.50a Mephisto v3.0

I'm relaly into it, thanks for this great stuff!

23.01.2014, 03:46

Nr.: 552   
CN.: 291/2
Bewertung:   MoD: eMule 0.50a Mephisto v3.0

Congrats on the new novel. When I first saw that you had been picked up by AmazonEncore I had smhawoet mixed feelings, but then I saw the price. At $2.99, it's just as cheap as your other novels and still has all that marketing strength. As always, you're an inspiration. How long do you think the e-reader "bubble" so to speak will last? My first novel, The Fall of the House of Burne will be out by spring 2011. I keep getting anxious that by the time it comes out the revolution will have balanced out. Bubbles are good for business. Any thoughts on when or IF it will subside?

23.01.2014, 00:22

Nr.: 551   
CN.: 265/87
Bewertung:   MoD: eMule 0.50a Mephisto v3.0

At last! Someone with the insight to solve the probelm!

23.01.2014, 00:00

Nr.: 550   
CN.: 443/51
Bewertung:   MoD: eMule 0.50a Mephisto v3.0

I might be benitag a dead horse, but thank you for posting this!

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