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eMule 0.49c BastarD 1.9.9

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Name Kommentar  
11.06.2006, 18:21

Nr.: 21   
CN.: 215/17
Bewertung:   MoD: eMule 0.47a BastarD 1.8.0

Nix besonderes. Eine etwas Share bzw. Releaser optimierte Variante von eMule. Hat Powershare, ZZ Upload und 10 Uploadprioritätsstufen, ansonsten nur interne Änderungen.

Sachen die der Modder als unnötig empfand hat er entfernt, so z.B. die IRC Unterstützung und die Benachrichtigung. Bedenklich finde ich das anzeigen der IP, dass kann man zu leicht missbrauchen!

Zum sharen ist Morph ganz klar besser.

06.11.2006, 21:04

Nr.: 32   
CN.: 206/212
Bewertung:   MoD: eMule 0.47a BastarD 1.8.1

ik heb 5 sterren gekozen

31.01.2007, 21:16

Nr.: 74   
CN.: 301/184
Bewertung:   MoD: eMule 0.47c BastarD 1.8.3


10.09.2008, 17:07

Nr.: 118   
CN.: 215/194
Bewertung:   MoD: eMule 0.49b BastarD 1.9.6

Good mod, extremelly light and the powershare is really usefull for uncomplete files!!

I just miss the information that other mods have like:
- how many active downloads
(this is very useful. If you have a big waiting file list you can control you many files to be actively downloading)

Or the possibility to change the sources for a particular file, manually or automatically (like xtreme has)

Could you add these two options for a next release?

10.09.2008, 14:48

Nr.: 117   
CN.: 260/208
Bewertung:   MoD: eMule 0.49b BastarD 1.9.6

Grande cicciobastard

21.08.2008, 18:07

Nr.: 115   
CN.: 104/199
Bewertung:   MoD: eMule 0.49b BastarD 1.9.5

Ottima mod leggera """""""

19.08.2008, 10:56

Nr.: 112   
CN.: 97/9
Bewertung:   MoD: eMule 0.49b BastarD 1.9.5

thank, very good

28.10.2012, 14:30

Nr.: 136   
CN.: 117/68
Bewertung:   MoD: eMule 0.49c BastarD 1.9.9

Man some people are such total grihpac whores it's untrue. I'll buy a ps4 or xbox whatever it's called too, but mario in hd just can't be matched by any amount of ram and grihpac cards thrown at the ps4/ xbox.Nintendo clearly aren't trying to compete with ms and Sony , as they know they won't win that battle , and tbh they don't want to, as Sony and ms take huge hits on hardware initially ( ms has lost billions on xbox hardware and overall still in red on game division). Nintendo refuse to follow that model.I love powerful hardware as much as next person, but maybe if we all stopped worrying so much about grihpacs , then devs might actually give us an original game instead of gears of war 2000 with million x AA and a zillion polygons, but same old walk in line and press shoot gameplay.VN:R_U [1.9.12_1141](from 0 votes)

19.03.2008, 14:58

Nr.: 110   
CN.: 207/133
Bewertung:   MoD: eMule 0.48a BastarD 1.9.1

La migliore MoD di eMule in assoluto!
Forza Palermo!!!!!!!!!!!

28.10.2012, 09:28

Nr.: 135   
CN.: 111/38
Bewertung:   MoD: eMule 0.49c BastarD 1.9.9

A provocative ingsiht! Just what we need!

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