eMule der P2P Filesharing Client dient zum downloaden von Filmen, Movies, Software, Spielen, Games und Erotik. Zum herunterladen braucht eMule eine schnelle Internet Connection Verbindung bzw. Internet Zugang notwendig: DSL Flatrate und guter Provider: Arcor, T-Online, Congster


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eMule 0.50a Katana v2.11

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eMule 0.50a Katana 2.11

| eMule 0.50a [Katana 2.11] |
| modded by pP |
| based on OfFixed Mod by Spike2 |

Fixed: Crash when adding friends from any list [pP]
Changed: Some stuff around ModIcons and OtherSoftIcons [pP]

Changed: Some cosmetic changes around AntiLeechInfo & ClientDetail dialog [pP]
Changed: Slotlimiter uses limits from Opcodes again, [pP]
Changed: FloodControl gets disabled if Waitinglist exceeds 50 clients [pP]
Changed: AntiLeechDialog, disable disabled Leecher detections ;) [pP]
Changed: AntiLeechDialog, disable CA outputs when official CS is used [pP]
Changed: ClientDetailsDialog, hide total up/down when CA is enabled [pP]
Changed: ClientDetailsDialog, OwnLine for OwnScore [pP]
Changed: Show Anylyzer score in AntileechDetails plus some other small design changes [pP]
Changed: Removed the X-Ray SecureIdent icons from ClientDetailsDialog [pP]
Changed: Fixed transparency on client0/1/2/3/4.ico [pP]
Added: Switch to turn off adding BBCodes to exported stats and feedbacks [pP]
Added: Chunkdetail for uploaded and doenloaded chunks [pP]
fixed: ModIcon was not shown in title bar and tray [pP]
Changed: Upgraded SlotFocus to Wizards version for more constant trickle speeds [TSX 1.0]
added: The slot column now shows if it's a trickle (T) or full (F) slot (uploadlist) [pP, related to BlockRatio/SlotFocus]
added: BlockRatio with DropBlockingClients [XRay 1.7]
added: RequestedFiles tab for ClientDetailsDialog (w/o MultiFileStatusbars for now) [XRay 1.7]
added: Show compression in uploadlist [XRay 1.7]
added: FillSolidRect [XRay 1.7]
fixed: GPL-Breaker Icon was shown in Clientdetails without Modstrings [MiM] [pP]
Changed: Moved all IDS strings into stringtables and cleaned it up a bit [pP]
removed: localize.cpp/localize.h [pP]
removed: forgotten "Dutch as defaults" codes in preferences.cpp/.h [pP]

added: Antileech tab for clientDetailsDialog [pP]
added: Redesigned ClientDetailsDialog [pP/from X-Ray 1.7]
-> Added support for ModIcons
-> Added support for SoftIcons
-> Moved Countryflag in front of countryname
-> Hide IP2C and Modstring labels if not needed
added: Icon for complete files (replaces filetype icon) [pP]
added: OwnScore Columns in queue and upload list [pP/VQB]
added: LeecherHashes are stored per session. Lists are check on new connections [pP]
changed: ModIconDLL, behaviour of showing SoftIcons [pP]
-> MiM off: All official SoftIcons for others clientsofts are shown in all lists
-> MiM on : All clientsofts get the eMule icon with full overlays, other client-
softs are displayed by the Mapper only.
added: BadHashList to store detected badmods (sessionbased) [pP]
removed: unneded codes after update [thx @ umeK]
removed: Unneded ClientSoft codes [pP]
changed: Prefs are saved to/loaded from separate ini file [pP]
-> Fallback: try to load from preferences.ini if no mod file exists.
updated: Clientanalyzer 1.51 [Wizard/TS 2.1]
Updated: merged into eMule 0.50a



Internet Zugang notwendig: DSL Flatrate und guter Provider: Arcor, T-Online, Congster




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