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eMule v0.49c Mephisto v2.2
- 06.10.2009 -
based on eMule 0.49c
3.2 compiled with vs2005 SP1
eMule v0.49b Mephisto v2.1
- 13.10.2008 -
based on eMule 0.49b
3.1 compiled with vs2005 SP1
Changed: Veto new only slot if trickles are transfering [Stulle]
eMule v0.49a Mephisto v2.0
- 06.07.2008 -
based on eMule 0.49a
3.0 compiled with vs2003 SP1
- Xtreme's evil heir -
Added: Drop blocking clients [Stulle]
Changed: Updated libs like the ScarAngel [Stulle]
Changed: Use 0x03 for saving Friendslots to friends.met [ZZ]
Changed: Keep Sup clients in up if there is no other sup client in queue
+ Works a little different, Sup clients are pushed down in upload
Changed: Min Slot number to two (uses "MinSlotsNew" now) [Stulle]
Fixed: Trickle threshold calculation [Stulle]
Remove blocking clients:
+ Upload health has to be 100%
+ Client has to be Full
+ Min Upload to prevent from kick is one tenth of the upload speed or 1 kbyte/s
+ Client has to be receiving for more than 5 minutes
+ Avg block ratio has to be >= 80% or >= 90% in last 20 sec