eMule der P2P Filesharing Client dient zum downloaden von Filmen, Movies, Software, Spielen, Games und Erotik. Zum herunterladen braucht eMule eine schnelle Internet Connection Verbindung bzw. Internet Zugang notwendig: DSL Flatrate und guter Provider: Arcor, T-Online, Congster


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eMule 0.50a Mephisto v3.0

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eMule v0.48a Mephisto v1.1

- 28.12.2007 -
based on eMule 0.48a ScarAngel 2.5 compiled with vs2003 SP1

Added: Transfer Multiple Chunks [Stulle]
Added: Adjust maximum upload time (1h-4h; default = 2h) [Stulle]
Added: Upload Tweak settings (be very careful! see documentation!) [Stulle]
Added: Veto new slot if one trickle is present [Stulle]
Added: Add new Slot if new slot is reacting too slow [Stulle]

Changed: Limitation kicks in when 1:2.9 reached instead of 1:3 [Stulle]
+ it worked but it was rather rough...
Changed: Allow PBF for Non-SUI only if state is NotAvailable [Stulle]
Changed: Accept new clients every 5 seconds instead of 10 [Stulle]
Changed: Accept new client when closing client uploads more than 1 KByte/s [Stulle]
Changed: Move PBF client down when he finished a chunk [Stulle]
Changed: Include Full/Trickle handling in slot opening process [Stulle]
+ does not effect bandwith spreading but represents it
Changed: Change between Full and Trickle only after a configured time [Stulle]
Changed: Move finishing clients down in upload [Stulle]
Changed: Calculation for the maximum to give [Stulle]

Fixed: New slot if no trickle (set wrong variable) [Stulle]

Transfer Multiple Chunks:
+ Mode 1: Do not transfer multiple Chunks (like disable the old function)
+ Mode 2: Xtreme Full Chunk (the old version of full chunk transfer)
+ Mode 3: Finish X chunks: Helps the other clients to finish x chunks (max X*PARTSIZE)
+ min 3 MB; max 9.28MB*x
+ Mode 4: Upload X Chunks: Transfers X*PARTSZIZE at the max


eMule v0.48a Mephisto v1.0

- 18.10.2007 -
based on eMule 0.48a ScarAngel 2.4 compiled with vs2003 SP1

NOTE: This is the new official branch of the ScarAngel mod with slotfocus.
NOTE: All preferences will be stored in the [ScarAngel] settings group.

Added: Slotfocus (always enabled) [Stulle]
Added: full/trickle for GUI purpose [Stulle]
+ F for full, T for trickle in speed column
Added: Display if last UploadBandwithThrottler reached bandwith [Stulle]
+ R for reached, NR for not reached in TransferWnd Splitter
Added: Mephisto version check [Official/MorphXT/Stulle]
Added: Mephisto GFX [eMule-web.de staff]
Added: Multiple friendslots [ZZ]
+ 1:3 ratio (friends excluded) will be enforced
Added: Option to configure slot opening due to missing trickle (0=off) [Stulle]
+ You better leave this option!
Added: Links for Server list and nodes file [Stulle]
Added: Diabolic Easteregg [Stulle]
+ Hell, I really wanted to do that for a long time now! XD

Changed: Superior clients are added after the last superior in UL list [Stulle]
Changed: Resort uploads if PowerShare or friendslot changed [ZZ/MorphXT]
Changed: Replaced ScarAngel references with Mephisto [Stulle]
Changed: Startup Sound [Stulle]
Changed: Status column sorted by slot number [Stulle]

Fixed: Resume mode combobox in Categorie dialog (ScarAngel) [Stulle]
Fixed: Auto Update IP2Country on startup (ScarAngel) [Stulle]

Removed: Several Xtreme upload settings [Xman]
Removed: Xtreme full/trickle upload handling [Xman]
Removed: Always Maximize Slotspeed (redundant) [Stulle]
Removed: ScarAngel version check [Official/MorphXT/Stulle]



Internet Zugang notwendig: DSL Flatrate und guter Provider: Arcor, T-Online, Congster




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