eMule der P2P Filesharing Client dient zum downloaden von Filmen, Movies, Software, Spielen, Games und Erotik. Zum herunterladen braucht eMule eine schnelle Internet Connection Verbindung bzw. Internet Zugang notwendig: DSL Flatrate und guter Provider: Arcor, T-Online, Congster


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eMule 0.45b SDG PoWa 1.1

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eMule 0.45b SDG PoWa 1.1 bewerten...

Download: Binaries & Sources (ed2k)
eMule-web.de Mirror (http) Bin & Sources

eMule 0.45b - SDG PoWa 1.1
07 - April - 2005
- Fixed: we were sending an incorrect tagcount, sorry
- Fixed: Quick&Dirty solution to the extrange crashes on "Enter" key
- Added: Version number in splash screen

eMule 0.45b - SDG PoWa 1.0
01 - April - 2005
- Full port of last Pawcio mod 5.15f to last offcial eMule 0.45b (tx ikAbOt)
- Added some parts of safehash that fix the "upload timer" exception
and other issues.
- A pair of little changes in Pawcio BC of Ionix.
- Updated some features like Anti HideOS (netfinity),...
- Changed: the Powershare is only allowed with complete files.
- Changed: New application icon (MoNKi)
- Added: theWizardOfDos, fix server exception (addsource in Partfile.cpp).
- Other minor fixes and changes from other mods: morph, pHoeniX,...
- SDG splash (MoNKi)

NOTE: the icons used in this compilation were downloaded from an anonymous
web. If somebody knows they have any kind of copyright, please, contact
us and weŽll remove them ASAP.



Internet Zugang notwendig: DSL Flatrate und guter Provider: Arcor, T-Online, Congster




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