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Main Features:
Header View+ Allows Viewing of the Header of a downloading or completed
file and attempts identification. 1.5e bug fix 1.5f
Statistics Functionality Enhancements Additional display options and
functionality 1.5b
Permanent search filters Permanent search filters option 1.4g
IRC Colour and text formatting Adopted in Official eMule from version 47b
IP Filter update Updates you IPFilter using it's own thread, Monthly Auto
update option New Ver 2.0a
Slot Focus Basic Slot Focus. Concentrates bandwidth on the slot(s) that
can best use it 1.4c
Download improvements Prevent slower client's locking out faster clients
+ Netfinity's Dynamic Block Requests 1.5b
Upload improvements Added no sleep for uploadthrottler thread, Code by
lupzz 1.4g
Virus scan AntiVir 7 Premium support added 1.5d
Forceshare *Re-evaluated and redesigned version 1.3a
Credit Systems + Credit systems and Anti-leech, Eastshare system updated
from latest Eastshare 1.4g
Hidden Hides/unhides eMule via user defined hot keys
Simple Compressibility Evaluation Saves wasting CPU cycles. Bug fixes!
1.5b Important note
Filename Disparity Check (FDC) Indicates when a file has a very different
name. *Improved* 1.5a.
IP2Country Shows country flags from IP for clients and servers,(code from
Eastshare/Morph/eXtreme) 1.4b
eMule 0.49b TK4 2.2b - 18-02-2009Version 2.2b - Base eMule 49b
Merged: to 49b eMule base code
Fixed: UploadQueue.cpp CUploadQueue::UpdateActiveClientsInfo() fix by
eMule 0.49a TK4 2.2a - 28-06-2008Merged: to
49a eMule base code
Added: Verbose log entries for unknown hello tags
Added: Left in the Obfuscation field in TK4 client details
Removed: Did not merge the old Safe Kad with the latest Kad
Fixed: Old style graphs checkbox init - found and fixed by Gomez82
Fixed: 32bit TK4 icons, they were distored with a black background.
eMule 0.48a TK4 2.1d - 09-11-2007Added: Support for Comodo
Added: KAD search keyword field and keyword deriving code. Some ideas thanks to
Fixed: Preset filters checkbox position when search tab is vertical.
eMule 0.48a TK4 2.1c - 27-08-2007Fixed: MSS calculation and MTU
display. Errors pointed out by Rapid_Mule
Fixed: Session time field overwritting 'Total' title in shared file window when
screen at minimum width.
eMule 0.48a TK4 2.1b - 18-07-2007Fixed: ToolTipCtrlX - Fixed
altered code for XP and above now it should work on 2000 and XP and above.
eMule 0.48a TK4 2.1a - 15-07-2007Added: Fixed and reworked
ToolTipCtrlX the Devsī code reworked a little. :)
Added: No Nagle option for uploads, theoretcial/possible reduction in upload
Added: Creation date display for IPFilter.dat in IPFilter dialog
Fixed: Headerview - Crash on view deleted/moved file stupid error
Fixed: Headerview - WMV/WMA extension display false mismatch message
Fixed: Headerview - OGG/OGM extension display false mismatch message
Improved: Headerview - DMG type confirmation
Fixed: Unicode search text field overlaps preset filter check box
Added: Missing Code In Listensocket.cpp,Missing reaction to OP_REQUESTFILENAME
Fix by tHeWiZaRdOfDoS
Added: MORPH optimization for large shared filelist, only reset if published.
optimize by Leuk_he
Merged: to 48a
Changed: Retained TK4 statistics dialog code
Added: Implemented old style graphs option, the devs already coded it.
Added: Warn & prompt of deletion of possibly rare completed files
Added: Warn on exessive compression gain for none trivial files (>89% && >1
Fixed: Show "compressed by" as a percentage of actual data
Added: Safe Kad (slows down the spread of bad KAD nodes) - by Netfinity
Added: Kad optimizes and function inline for improved performance - by Netfinity
Added: Kad Vista path fix by godlaugh2007 merged from Morph code