eMule der P2P Filesharing Client dient zum downloaden von Filmen, Movies, Software, Spielen, Games und Erotik. Zum herunterladen braucht eMule eine schnelle Internet Connection Verbindung bzw. Internet Zugang notwendig: DSL Flatrate und guter Provider: Arcor, T-Online, Congster


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eMule 0.50a XCA v1.4

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eMule 0.50a XCA 1.4


Build 11.02.2012 [morph4u]

Upgrade to X-Mod codebase from 2012-02-07

Changed: Queuecount label [morph4u]
Added: Switch to show global buffer usage in info bar [morph4u]

code from X-Mod [dolphinx]
fix >4GB file rehash issue (ahaha)
fix UI has no response when the alloc thread starts and make file corrupted (ahaha)
initialize sfmt in CPartFileConvert::run

replace some CFileFind with _taccess
QueuedThread can remove tasks to avoid potential crashes
UTF-8 support for IP2Country and Ini

eMule 0.50a XCA 1.3


Build 16.12.2011

compiled with Visual Studio 2010 SP1

Upgrade to X-Mod [dolphinx] codebase from 2011-09-18
Add: Intelligent SOTN [WiZaRd]
Removed: HideOS/SOTN [Slugfiller/Stulle]
Removed: Massrename

code from X-Mod [dolphinx]

"Preview" button's text is not shown in Direct Download Dialog
wrong data type in CAICHRecoveryHashSet::UntrustedHashReceived AddDebugLogLine (dontsueme)
crash caused by strcpy_s in CAsyncSocketEx
wrong DebugLog in MiniUPnP
TransferWnd splitter issue
CServerSocket::ProcessPacket m_bneedpublicIP
CSourceData copy constructor
an float exception in the Lovelace credit system
IsValidSearchResultClientIPPort bug (gureedo)
crash when remove a file in historylistctrl
SetMaxUpload bug
remove the file from single sharedfile list when removing a shared file
skip the last chunck AICH hash if its size <= EMBLOCKSIZE when it is corrupted [Import Parts] & [IPR] - [Improved Part Recovery]
delay AICH request when failed [Import Parts] & [IPR] - [Improved Part Recovery]


old UPnP code
Shareaza's WinServ UPnPImpl
fix minimize to tray issue


replace some API with crt version
CIni use '\n' instead of "\r\n"
remove feature pack code from VC10 binary
improve UPnP implementation
replace crt rand with sfmt
change some memfiles' initial size
change flush buffer block size
replace MFC thread with modified Poco thread
simplified queued disc-access for read/flushing-threads
source save ignore lowIDs
update libs to latest version


an UPnPImpl implementation of ACAT UPnP

code from Xtreme 8.1
- improved: Sort progress bars by percentage (Fafner/Xman)
- improved: Also include modstring when sorting by software for aMule (Stulle)
- fixed: Fix broken HTTP downloads from SourceForge (WiZaRd)
- fixed: Client is always highid if we are connecting to them (Enig123)
- fixed: don't reconnect to banned clients (Enig123)
- fixed: Potential devision by zero in UploadBandwidthThrottler (Stulle)
- more minor fixes and improves from Stulle's merge
- add: Ability to translate "Network Adapter" and "eMule control + data" for graphs (Stulle)
- add: Own color option for Network Adapter graph line (Stulle)

eMule 0.50a XCA 1.2


Build 24.05.2011

Change: Some upgrades from Xtreme 8.1 [Xman/zz_fly]
Change: Small changes in ClientAnalyzer
Change: Changed Preview ready and Share visibility icons to overlayicon
Change: Better code to display friend/friendslot colors
Change: UI changes in searchwindow to get more space
Change: Default URL's for ipfilter/nodes.dat/server.met updates
Change: Moved auto update IPFilter checkbox to security tab
Change: Moved show additional graph lines checkbox to statistic tab
Change: Preview menu in downloadlist
Change: Download Toolbar default disabled
Change: Share only the need (SOTN) default enabled
Change: Pay Back First default enabled
Add: Save Friendslot [WiZaRd]
Add: Fix broken HTTP downloads [WiZaRd]
Add: Remove client from DownloadClientsList on RemoveSource [WiZaRd]
Add: A4AF counter, ahead of user nickname [sivka]
Add: Optimize Process Kad client list [WiZaRd]
Add: Colored TotalUpDown [some parts from X-Ray/JVA]
Add: Double click uncomplet files in SharedFile window display FileDetail [SiRoB]
Add: Sort upload progress bars by percentage [Fafner/Xman]
Add: Pay Back First [AndCycle/SiRoB/Stulle]
Add: Superior Client Handling [Stulle]
Add: Keep Sup clients in up if there is no other sup client in queue [Stulle]
Add: Option to disable file status icons
Add: Option to disable download color
Removed: New menu bar
Fix: Splitterbar in transfer window
Fix: "Download parts needed for preview first" was not grayed out if a preview is possible
Fix: Some minor fixes


eMule 0.50a XCA 1.1


Build 12.12.2010

Add: Lovelace credit
Add: Colored Clientstate [EastShare]
Add: New menu bar (switchable in prefernces.ini NewMenu=1 or 0)
Fix: Display bug in downloaded history list


eMule 0.50a XCA 1.0


Build 11.12.2010

Add: ClientAnalyzer [WiZaRd]
Remove: DLP antileech
Change: Modname from Xtreme 8.0 -RSE- to XCA
Removed: Many unused code/icons
Add: Color for connected server, downloading files, partfiles, friends, friendslot
Add: "open incoming dir" to toolbar [WiZaRd]
Add: "open incoming dir" to Win7 thumbbuttons list [WiZaRd]
Change: GUI, icons, and some more
Remove: Ip2Country from Kad
Add: Spread bars [Slugfiller/Stulle]
Add: HideOS & SOTN [Slugfiller/Stulle]
Add: MinQR if extended controls is enabled [???]
Add: Show session download if extended controls is enabled [Xanatos]
Known bug:
splitter bar bug in download window

eMule XCA is based on X-Mod [dolphinx]



Internet Zugang notwendig: DSL Flatrate und guter Provider: Arcor, T-Online, Congster




eMule .:. Server.Met .:. eMule Download .:. eMule-Anleitung .:. eMule-Archiv .:. allnews.de .:. eMoogle Amazon: Computerspiele
