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eMule 0.49c BastarD 1.9.9

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eMule BastarD.MoD Charts

Best eMule BastarD.MoD

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eMule 0.49c BastarD 1.9.9 bewerten...


Note on BestShare:
This is a try to make clients in queue with very unbalanced U:D difference to gain score at bit faster.
Clients are sorted by U:D difference, and the best client is then granted an accumulating time bonus for the period it remains as the client with the best U:D difference (that is, it has uploaded us more than we have). Only the best client for each calculated period will have the bonus.
The bonus, visible in the queue list near the waiting time, is kept by the client even after a new client is chosen as best.
The bonus is added at the "regular" waited time. Once the upload slot is granted the bonus is lost (independently of the amount of transferred data).

More details:
Clients ranked as 5 and up to 1, once they are sorted by score, do not accumulate any bonus (they are already going to get an upload slot quite soon). However if they got a bonus earlier, it is kept and used for final score calculation. Best client is thus chosen from clients that are ranked by score from 6 and below.
Time bonus is not saved, but has validity only during the current session. Bonus is kept if a client disconnects and reconnects later (but of course it won't increase during the disconnection period).
Clients recognized as bad ones won't get any bonus.
Yes, FastWeb clients will have the bonus as well if they have uploaded more than they have downloaded (which should be the usual case to get the time bonus for every client).

eMule 0.49c ZZUL BastarD Mod 1.9.9

  • FIX: Bold font and doubled percentual symbol on progress bar
  • FIX: Priority sorting in queue list
  • REM: Statistics graphs debugging messages in output console
  • CNG: Active download in bold option re-enabled
  • CNG: BestShare fine tuning


eMule 0.49c ZZUL BastarD Mod 1.9.8

  • Some minor fixes and new code base


eMule 0.49b ZZUL BastarD Mod 1.9.6

  • FIX: "Contition" string fixed (Eulero)
  • ADD: Server IP column reporting for each search result the server that has reported more sources.
    This way spamming server's IP is shown and can be used to remove them from Server List (drop down menu command planned for the future)
  • ADD: Not linear priorities option: enabling this assigns these priorities values:
    file-prio value
  • CNG: SuperRelase priority is now fixed at 100x
  • Scratching my head, but I can't remember. I will add later if something comes to mind.


eMule 0.49b ZZUL BastarD Mod 1.9.5

  • CNG: BestShare exclusion range is now dynamic. It is calculated as the number of chunks sent in half an hour less one (why? ask my doctor...)
  • CNG: BestShare multiplier doubles each 10 chunks difference (starting value = 2)
  • CNG: Illegal clients cannot be selected as BestClient by BestShare mechanism
  • REM: I added single autocomplete history entry deletion in Search window, but official finally added his own
  • CNG: Shortcuts in SharedPanel:
    (CTRL)+(S) SuperRelease
    (CTRL)+(X) PowerShsre
    (CTRL)+(Z) Autopriority
    Old (CTRL)+(+) and (CTRL)+(-) are still useable to easily move selected file priorities up and down.
  • ADD: in all panels with a list of clients
    (CTRL)+(F) Assigns FriendSlot (add the client to list of friends too, eventually)
  • FIX: Minor graphic and updating issues when some parameter changes
  • FIX: Other minor things here and there


eMule 0.49a ZZUL BastarD Mod 1.9.4

  • This is 1.9.2 code based on 0.49a source code
  • 1.9.2 was never relased publicly. Some things have been changed from version 1.9.1.
  • Can't remember them all.
  • 1.9.3 never existed, never will.


eMule 0.48a ZZUL BastarD Mod 1.9.1

Based on ZZUL 0.48a code by zz

  • ADD: BestShare payback.
  • ADD: conditional compilation
  • ADD: Green back color for collections in SharedList
  • ADD: 4-way sorting for rating/U-D in client queue & upload queue
  • ADD: sorting on upload conditions column is now possible
  • ADD: shortcut [CTRL]+[F] to immediately assign a Friend Slot
  • REM: PushSmallFile option for collections
  • CNG: Old PowerRelease is now called SuperRelease and the priority given to a file is dynmic depending on the shared ratio value.
    Quick description:
    - priority is set at max (100) when share ratio < 2
    - at each share ratio unit increase file upload priority is decreased of 10 (so at 2 it becomes 90, at 3 is 80... at 9 is 20 and at 10 is 10)
    - minimum priority for SuperRelease file is however 10 whatever the share ratio
  • CNG: NiceHash parameters tuned a little bit (at higher load the CPU is now used a bit more)
  • FIX: friend slot assignment & interface update
  • FIX: friend note was broken in 1.9.0 (sorry)
  • FIX: server removal when max number of retries is set to 0.
    Now with that setting no server is going to be removed from server list even though the connection fail lots of times
  • FIX: upload client available chunk in upload list
  • New shortcuts to easily set file upload priority in SharedFiles list:
    - [CTRL]+# where # is from 0 to 9 immediately sets the priority to that value (0 means priority = 10)
    - [CTRL]+[+] increases priority
    - [CTRL]-[-] decreases priority
    - [CTRL]+[\] sets SuperRelease



    Internet Zugang notwendig: DSL Flatrate und guter Provider: Arcor, T-Online, Congster




    eMule .:. Server.Met .:. eMule Download .:. eMule-Anleitung .:. eMule-Archiv .:. allnews.de .:. eMoogle Amazon: Computerspiele
