eMule der P2P Filesharing Client dient zum downloaden von Filmen, Movies, Software, Spielen, Games und Erotik. Zum herunterladen braucht eMule eine schnelle Internet Connection Verbindung bzw. Internet Zugang notwendig: DSL Flatrate und guter Provider: Arcor, T-Online, Congster


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eMule 0.47a [Cyrex2001] 7.1

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eMule 0.47a [Cyrex2001] 7.1 bewerten...


eMule 0.46c [Cyrex2001 v6.25]
based on eMule 0.46c MorphXT 7.8
ADDED : added new statistik for failed/successful file-reaks per TCP-connection by Xman [cyrex2001]
ADDED : sourcecache = finding more sources with less overhead by Xman [cyrex2001]
FIXED : Failure In Atl Leading To Uncatched Exception Fix by Kro [cyrex2001]
FIXED : Hardlimit for file [cyrex2001]
FIXED : Fileinfo for wc-download [cyrex2001]
CHANGED: Global Hardlimit [cyrex2001]
UPDATED: Ask for download priority by Xman [cyrex2001]
NEW : Installer [cyrex2001]

eMule 0.46c [Cyrex2001 v6.2]
based on eMule 0.46c MorphXT 7.6
ADDED : Leecher-icon for all list by Xman [cyrex2001]
ADDED : Versionscontrol for antileecher.dll to Xtreme-Homepage by Xman [cyrex2001]
ADDED : URL for update antileecher.dll [cyrex2001]
ADDED : Dynamic Leecher Protection by Xman [cyrex2001]
ADDED : Code improvement: FillSolidRect by Xman [cyrex2001]
ADDED : Fix for title menu by Avi-3k [cyrex2001]
ADDED : Fix for index check in Searchlistctrl.cpp by Avi-3k [cyrex2001]
ADDED : check completed sources which want to download their "complete" file by Xman [cyrex2001]
ADDED : Codeimprovement for better passive sourcefinding by Xman [cyrex2001]
ADDED : Codeimprovement for choosing to use compression by Xman [cyrex2001]
ADDED : Code-Improvement in CUint128::toBinaryString function by netfinity/Xman [cyrex2001]
MODIFY : banned clients only morphlog [cyrex2001]
MODIFY : color for emulations [cyrex2001]
FIXED : Hardlimit for file menu in transfer window [cyrex2001]
FIXED : preferences [cyrex2001]
FIXED : Leecher-icon for all list [cyrex2001]
FIXED : Bug in Cemsocket::sendpacket by Xanatos [cyrex2001]


eMule 0.46c [Cyrex2001 v6.1]
based on eMule 0.46c MorphXT 7.3 and pre7.4

ADDED : SetModified FiX for PPgFiles by emulefan83 [cyrex2001]
ADDED : Fix For Tempfile Cathegory Display by WiZaRd [cyrex2001]
ADDED : UDP-FNF Antileech protect by WiZaRd [cyrex2001]
ADDED : maxfilesize fix by Avi3k [cyrex2001]
ADDED : Additional View Filter In Shared Files, by ed2k file type by Avi-3k and
modify by IONIX-Team [cyrex2001]
ADDED : Find best source by Xman [cyrex2001]
ADDED : Slotspeed per client enable/disable [cyrex2001]
REMOVED: Create a map for fastest source adding by IP by Dazzle [cyrex2001]


eMule 0.46a [Cyrex2001 v6.0]
based on eMule 0.46a MorphXT 7.1
ADDED : Emulate other by WiZaRd, Spike2 and shadow2004 [cyrex2001]
ADDED : Globales HardLimit by WiZaRD/MaxUpload
enable gloables hardLimit then disable maual hardlimit [cyrex2001]
ADDED : AntiNickThief by WiZaRd [cyrex2001]
ADDED : ClientBanTime [2-12h] for banned clients [cyrex2001]
ADDED : Anti-Mod-Faker by Morph enable/disable [cyrex2001]
ADDED : Faster endgame by Dazzle [cyrex2001]
ADDED : Create a map for fastest source adding by IP by Dazzle [cyrex2001]
ADDED : Copy feedback to clipboard on color html code [cyrex2001]
REMOVED: sourcelimit/file => hardlimit by sivka [cyrex2001]

FIXED : Ban Mod-Faker from Cyrex2001 v5.0 [cyrex2001]
MODIFY : Globales HardLimit for faster sourcen finding [cyrex2001]
MODIFY : AntiNickThief by Stulle [cyrex2001]

ADDED : german.dll [cyrex2001]

eMule 0.45b [Cyrex2001 v5.0] beta6
based on eMule 0.45b MorphXT 6.7
ADDED : Reconnect on Kad by Pawcio [cyrex2001]
ADDED : Serverfilter by Avi3k [cyrex2001]
ADDED : Push smal files by sivka [cyrex2001]
ADDED : WINSOCK2 by eWombat [cyrex2001]
ADDED : Connection-checker by eWombat/WiZaRd [cyrex2001]
ADDED : Spooky-mode by eWombat/Fenderman [cyrex2001]
ADDED : Drop manual by sivka [cyrex2001]
ADDED : Timer for droped sourcen [2-4h] [cyrex2001]
ADDED : Ban aggressive clients(sivka-ban) enable/disable [cyrex2001]
ADDED : Ban aggressive clients by sivka [cyrex2001]
ADDED : Timer for ban aggressive clients [cyrex2001]
ADDED : Counter for ask of aggresive clients [cyrex2001]
ADDED : Log for aggressive clients enable/disable [cyrex2001]
ADDED : Anti-Fake-Rank enable/disable by ZX [cyrex2001]
ADDED : Ask for download priority by Xman [cyrex2001]
ADDED : Chunk Selection Patch by Xman [cyrex2001]
ADDED : Reask sourcen after ip change idea by Xman [Maella/cyrex2001]
ADDED : Quickstart by TPT [cyrex2001]
ADDED : Quickstart after ip change [cyrex2001]
ADDED : Hardlimit by sivka [cyrex2001]
ADDED : Show hardlimit to sourcelist [cyrex2001]
ADDED : ICONS from NextEMF => big thanks to christitus [cyrex2001]
ADDED : Icon for cyrex2001-client [cyrex2001]
ADDED : Sidebanner cyrex2001 => thanks Christitus [cyrex2001]
ADDED : Logo cyrex2001 => thanks Christitus [cyrex2001]
ADDED : simpel anti-modfaker [cyrex2001]
TODO : added anti-modfaker by WiZaRd
CHANGED: FunnyNick to FN [cyrex2001]
CHANGED: Queuelist 1000 to 30000 [cyrex2001]
CHANGED: Filebuffer to 7.5MB [cyrex2001]
CHANGED: check of version by morph [cyrex2001]
CHANGED: cyrex2001-option under categorie at end the preferences.ini[cyrex2001]



Internet Zugang notwendig: DSL Flatrate und guter Provider: Arcor, T-Online, Congster




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