eMule der P2P Filesharing Client dient zum downloaden von Filmen, Movies, Software, Spielen, Games und Erotik. Zum herunterladen braucht eMule eine schnelle Internet Connection Verbindung bzw. Internet Zugang notwendig: DSL Flatrate und guter Provider: Arcor, T-Online, Congster


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Board: Fragen und Hinweise: eMule Cyrex2001.MoD-Forum...
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eMule 0.47a [Cyrex2001] 7.1

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powered by Januar !   Thanx !

gefixte de_DE.dll

Changelog for eMule 0.44b Cyrex2001 V4.3
based on eMule 0.44b MorphXT 5.1
and sourcen on cvs public server to 04/10/10
ADDED : Ban aggressive clients [sivka]
ADDED : Timer for ban aggressive clients [cyrex2001]
ADDED : Counter for ask of aggresive clients [cyrex2001]
ADDED : Log for aggressive clients enable/disable [cyrex2001]
ADDED : advanced anti-leecher[S.W.A.T/cyrex2001]
ADDED : antifake - bann users,
that trying to fake there port [by Vorlost/sivka]
ADDED : anti fakerank [ZX]
ADDED : sektion leecher-community and gpl-breaker to statistics [cyrex2001]
ADDED : Drop full sources manual [tritant]
ADDED : Drop no needed sources manual [tritant]
ADDED : Drop high queuerating sources manual [tritant]
ADDED : Drop NN/FQR/HQR-sourcen [cyrex2001]
ADDED : Uploadslot/Uploadspeed per client [sivka/cyrex2001]
ADDED : Push small files [sivka/cyrex2001]
ADDED : Hard Limit [TPT]
ADDED : Advanced Server Filter [Avi-3k]
ADDED : QuickStart [TPT]
ADDED : QuickStart after ip change [cyrex2001]
ADDED : Timer for Quickstart [cyrex2001]
ADDED : Reask sources after ip change [sivka/Maella/idea Xman]
ADDED : column uploaded/downloaded total in queue-list [LSD]
ADDED : Sidebanner Cyrex2001 [thanks Christitus]
ADDED : Logo cyrex2001 [thanks Christitus]
CHANGED: queuesize 1000-10000 [cyrex2001]
CHANGED: coloring for permissions the shared files
(public=red/friend=brown/community=pink/hidden=blue) [cyrex2001]
CHANGED: cyrex2001-option under categorie
at end the preferences.ini[cyrex2001]

Changelog for eMule 0.43b Cyrex2001 V4.2
based on eMule 0.43b MorphXT 4.1
and sourcen on cvs public server to 04/08/23

binary included: ipfilter.dat and ipfilter.txt v41
fakes.dat and fakes.txt v214
ip-to-country.csv to 04/08/23

NOTE : compiled with libpng 1.2.6 RC5 to avoid security problems in 1.2.5
ADDED : Uploadslot/Uploadspeed per client [sivka/cyrex2001]
ADDED : Push small files [sivka/cyrex2001]
FIXED : Drop NN/FQR/HQR-sourcen [cyrex2001]
FIXED : Quick Start [cyrex2001]
FIXED : Quick Start after ip change [cyrex2001]

Changelog for eMule 0.43b Cyrex2001 V4.1
based on eMule 0.43b MorphXT 4.1 RC1
and sourcen on cvs public server to 04/07/30

MERGED: Code merged to MorphXT 4.1 RC1 [cyrex2001]
ADDED : Timer for Quickstart [cyrex2001]
ADDED : Drop NN/FQR/HQR-sourcen [cyrex2001]
NEW : German.dll [cyrex2001]

Changelog for eMule 0.43b Cyrex2001 V4.0
based on eMule 0.43b MorphXT 4.0
and sourcen on cvs public server to 04/07/19

ADDED : show flag to server window [Iberica]
ADDED : Hard Limit [TPT]
ADDED : Ban aggressive clients [sivka]
ADDED : Timer for ban aggressive clients [cyrex2001]
ADDED : Counter for ask of aggresive clients [cyrex2001]
ADDED : Log for aggressive clients enable/disable [cyrex2001]
ADDED : advanced anti-leecher[S.W.A.T]
ADDED : antifake - bann users,
that trying to fake there port [by Vorlost/sivka]
ADDED : anti fakerank [ZX]
ADDED : sektion leecher-community and gpl-breaker to statistics [cyrex2001]
ADDED : Drop full sources manual [tritant]
ADDED : Drop no needed sources manual [tritant]
ADDED : Drop high queuerating sources manual [tritant]
ADDED : Advanced Server Filter [Avi-3k]
ADDED : QuickStart [TPT]
ADDED : QuickStart after ip change [cyrex2001]
ADDED : Reask sources after ip change [sivka/Maella/idea Xman]
ADDED : eMulePlus optimizer [TPT]
ADDED : Winsock2 [eWombat]
ADDED : column uploaded/downloaded total in queue-list [LSD]
ADDED : Sidebanner Cyrex2001 [thanks Christitus]
ADDED : Logo cyrex2001 [thanks Christitus]
CHANGED: queuesize 1000-10000 [cyrex2001]
CHANGED: buffersize 32kb-3mb [cyrex2001]
CHANGED: coloring for permissions the shared files
(public=red/friend=brown/community=pink/hidden=blue) [cyrex2001]
CHANGED: cyrex2001-option under categorie
at end the preferences.ini[cyrex2001]



Internet Zugang notwendig: DSL Flatrate und guter Provider: Arcor, T-Online, Congster




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