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Changelog for eMule v0.47c EastShare v12.0 [01/01/2007]
based on [MorphXT 9.2]
MERGED : Code Merged to MorphXT 9.2 (eMule 0.47c) [Pretender]
CHANGED : Check already downloaded files updated (Xtreme Mod) [Pretender]
Changelog for eMule v0.47a EastShare v11.5 [09/06/2006]
based on [MorphXT 8.14]
MERGED : Code Merged to MorphXT 8.14 (eMule 0.47a) [Pretender]
CHANGED : Downloaded History updated (Xtreme Mod) [Pretender]
Changelog for eMule v0.47a EastShare v11.4 [07/25/2006]
based on [MorphXT 8.13 beta9]
MERGED : Code Merged to MorphXT 8.13 beta9 (eMule 0.47a) [Pretender]
Changelog for eMule v0.47a EastShare v11.2 [04/06/2006]
based on [MorphXT pre-8.10]
MERGED : Code Merged to MorphXT pre-8.10(eMule 0.47a) [Pretender]
Changelog for eMule v0.47a EastShare v11.1 [03/28/2006]
based on [MorphXT 8.9]
MERGED : Code Merged to MorphXT 8.9(eMule 0.47a) [Pretender]
Changelog for eMule v0.47a EastShare v11 [03/24/2005]
based on [MorphXT 8.1]
Changelog for eMule v0.47a EastShare v10.10 [03/10/2005]
based on [MorphXT 8.1]
FIXED : problem caused by modstring [TAHO]
Changelog for eMule v0.47a EastShare v10.9 [03/10/2005]
based on [MorphXT 8.1]
MERGED : Code Merged to MorphXT 8.1(eMule 0.47a) [TAHO]
Changelog for eMule v0.47a EastShare v10.8 [03/02/2005]
based on [MorphXT 8.1]
MERGED : Code Merged to MorphXT 8.1(eMule 0.47a) [Pretender/TAHO]
Changelog for eMule v0.46c EastShare v10.7 [12/21/2005]
based on [MorphXT 7.6]
MERGED : Code Merged to MorphXT 7.6(eMule 0.46c) [Pretender]
Changelog for eMule v0.46c EastShare v10.6 [09/28/2005]
based on [MorphXT pre-7.4]
MERGED : Code Merged to MorphXT pre-7.4(eMule 0.46c) [Pretender]
FIXED : (major) Rollback code arround ICS feature (reason of failed upload &
download) [SiRoB]
FIXED : WebCache site is down so link for autoupdate webcachesetting is removed
FIXED : Small webcache fix arround ProcessFirstHttpGet [SiRoB]
FIXED : MMVersion parameter for Morph based mods [SiRoB]
CHANGED: Fine credit system [Pretender]
NOTE : Fine Credit System -- only works on incomplete files, friends excluded.
The penalizing threshold is set to a 4 complete chunks difference.
Once the U-D (relative to me) is above that threshold and U/D<4, the client's
score is decreased by
score = ((4*chunksize)/(uploaded-downloaded))
if U/D>4, the client's score is decreased by
score = ((4*chunksize)/(uploaded-downloaded))^2
Moreover, queue full clients will get 0 score.
Changelog for eMule v0.46c EastShare v10.5 [09/07/2005]
based on [MorphXT pre-7.4]
MERGED : Code Merged to MorphXT pre-7.4(eMule 0.46c) [Pretender]
FIXED : (major) SafeHash Patch from SlugFiller mod (Borschtsch) [SiRoB]
FIXED : Put back friend boost (in Morph>Upload>friend tab) [Pretender]
Changelog for eMule v0.46c EastShare v10.4 [09/02/2005]
based on [MorphXT 7.3]
MERGED : Code Merged to MorphXT 7.3(eMule 0.46c) [Pretender]
FIXED : (major) Patched Official minimule to eradicate the systray crash [SiRoB]
FIXED : (major) Patched Official CreateBlockRequests causing crash reported by
leuk_he [SiRoB]
FIXED : (major) Missed code when merging to offical 0.46c causing unpredicable
resulte [SiRoB]
FIXED : (minor) Missed some code with the previous hideos update [SiRoB]
FIXED : (minor) wrong display rating icon in transfer window [SiRoB]
ADDED : Catch creditmet file loading exception for public key length greater
- this fix crash when a specific corruption occur in creditmet files.
CHANGED: Reviewed every lib project setting to speed up the code [SiRoB]
CHANGED: USC: Reviewed the way to consume bandwidth [SiRoB]
CHANGED: USC: Try to keep always one trickle slot [SiRoB]
CHANGED: pthread dll have benn turned into static lib thank's to leuk_he (no
need to keep pthreadvc dll) [SiRoB]
CHANGED: Changed crash dump directive to not show the emule dump email adress [SiRoB]
CHANGED: Fake.dat file are now available in zip format so i changed the reset
setting [SiRoB]
REMOVED: No more ReadWriteLock safeHash code [SiRoB]
TWEAKED: May the loading of creditmet file speed up [SiRoB]
FIXED : Clients icon error displayed in DownloadClientsList [Pretender]
Changelog for eMule v0.46c EastShare v10.3 - 2nd Anniversary Special Edition
based on [MorphXT 7.2]
MERGED : Code Merged to MorphXT 7.2(eMule 0.46c) [Pretender]
MERGED : Ported to 0.46c version [SiRoB]
FIXED : Properly display the upload overhead [SiRoB]
FIXED : May i found the responsible for rare crash arround resume next file [SiRoB]
ADDED : Serveral const optimization [SiRoB]
ADDED : Even more requpfile Optimization (for crazy user sharing many files :),
reduce CPU usage on zz upload system based mod) [SiRoB]
- In short this avoid looking for knownfile pointer in the sharedlist. If you
are sharing many many file this may reduce considerably cpu load.
ADDED : Some kind of stop open slot in some congestion case or when connection
is lost [SiRoB]
CHANGED: USS: use the official one now [SiRoB]
CHANGED: Updated MultiSort from SlugFiller mod + small change to permit both
sorting with CTRL key [SiRoB]
CHANGED: Updated SafeHash from SlugFiller mod [SiRoB]
CHANGED: Updated UPNP Support from NoNKi patch [SiRoB]
REMOVED: Updated bad MODSTRING with null char [SiRoB]
FIXED : Fine Credit System divided by zero problem [Pretender]
FIXED : EastShare clients counter error [Pretender]
Changelog for eMule v0.46a EastShare v10.2 [08/19/2005]
based on [MorphXT 7.1]
ADDED : New upload priority - Lower [Pretender]
CHANGED: Fine Credit System won't be triggered if (uploaded/downloaded)<4 [Pretender]
Changelog for eMule v0.46a EastShare v10.1 [08/07/2005]
based on [MorphXT 7.1]
ADDED : Push Small Files which is smaller than 1 chunk (CB Mod) [Pretender]
ADDED : modified Fine Credit System from CB Mod, being any other credit system's
add-on [Pretender]
NOTE : Push Small Files -- pushes small files < 1 chunk by chunksize(9.28MB)/filesize
NOTE : Finece Credit System -- only works on incomplete files
The penalizing threshold is set to a 4 complete chunks difference.
Once the U-D (relative to me) is above that threshold, the client's score is
score = ((4*chunksize)/(uploaded-downloaded))^2
Moreover, queue full clients will get 0 score.
Changelog for eMule v0.46a EastShare v10 [08/04/2005]
based on [MorphXT 7.1]
ADDED : More tabs in Downloaded History (all time transferred/requests/accepts)
REMOVED: New HideOS [Pretender]
Changelog for eMule v0.46a EastShare v9.5 [07/04/2005]
based on [MorphXT 7.1]
MERGED : Code Merged to MorphXT 7.1(eMule 0.46a) [Pretender]
ADDED : Downloaded History, switch in shared file list (emulEspana/Xtreme) [Pretender]
CHANGED: Enlarged file buffer to 4MB [Pretender]
Changelog for eMule v0.46a EastShare v9.4 [06/09/2005]
based on [MorphXT 7.0]
MERGED : Code Merged to MorphXT 7.0(eMule 0.46a) [Pretender]
ADDED : NiceHash from CB mod (need some feed back for this testing) [AndCycle]
relate topic
NOTE : Don't forget to use pthreadVC2.dll instead of version 1.
Changelog for eMule v0.46a EastShare v9.3 [06/02/2005]
based on [MorphXT pre-7.0]
MERGED : Code Merged to MorphXT pre-7.0(eMule 0.46a) [Pretender]
MERGED : Ported to 0.46a Official version [SiRoB]
Changelog for eMule v0.45b EastShare v9.1 [03/11/2005]
based on [MorphXT pre-6.2]
MERGED : Code Merged to MorphXT pre-6.2(eMule 0.45b) [Pretender]
Changelog for eMule v0.45b EastShare v9 [02/17/2005]
based on [MorphXT 6.1]
TWEAKED: some code tweaks and synchronizations [Pretender]