eMule der P2P Filesharing Client dient zum downloaden von Filmen, Movies, Software, Spielen, Games und Erotik. Zum herunterladen braucht eMule eine schnelle Internet Connection Verbindung bzw. Internet Zugang notwendig: DSL Flatrate und guter Provider: Arcor, T-Online, Congster


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eMule 0.47c EastShare v12.0

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eMule 0.47c EastShare v12.0 bewerten...

Binaries [EastShare6.14]
Source [EastShare6.14]

Changelog for eMule v0.42g EastShare v6.14 [07/05/2004]
based on [MorphXT 3.5]
MERGED : Code Merged to MorphXT 3.5(eMule 0.42g) [Pretender]
ADDED : "Resume paused file only in the same category" per category setting [SiRoB]
ADDED : Now we can see parts hidden by the Share Only The Need feature [SiRoB]
ADDED : A new Select view filter option to hide seen complet file [SiRoB]
ADDED : Download/Upload in the transfert window [SiRoB]
ADDED : New option in SCC preferency to specify if we want to resume only in the same category [SiRoB]
FIXED : Statistic SlideBar [SiRoB]
CHANGED: Moved some preferency from SAC to SCC [SiRoB]
TWEAKED: Auto Power Share by checking the last seen information (partfile side) [SiRoB]
CHANGED: Simplify Equal Chance for Each File to a checkbox [AndCycle]

Changelog for eMule v0.42g EastShare v6.13 [06/28/2004]
based on [MorphXT Pre-3.4]
MERGED : Code Merged to MorphXT Pre-3.4(eMule 0.42g) [Pretender]
FIXED: Download file in search window will now work properly in case you don't use selectcategory or you select a category tab item [SiRoB]
CHANGED: Defeat 0-filled part senders [TAHO]
FIXED : Score sort & entered time sort [TAHO]
TWEAKED: Equal Chance Value now involed a time quantum base on file shared time [AndCycle]

NOTE: for the RSS news you can edit entry in XMLNews.dat

Changelog for eMule v0.42g EastShare v6.12 [06/15/2004]
based on [MorphXT 3.3]
MERGED : Code Merged to MorphXT 3.3(eMule 0.42g) [Pretender]
ADDED : New friend message window from TPT [SiRoB]
ADDED : Splitting Bar from O2 ajusted to work with the new graph style [SiRoB]
ADDED : RSS from O2 with a little tweak [SiRoB]
ADDED : Maella -Code Inprovement- in Opscop.ctrl from TPT [SiRoB]
ADDED : Maella -Code Fix- in Opscop.ctrl from TPT [SiRoB]
ADDED : BugFix in Cknownfile::setfilesize from Pichuein [SiRoB]
CHANGED: Set max ping limit as default in preferency [SiRoB]
CHANGED: Activated Powershare Limit feature [SiRoB]
TWEAKED: Share Only The Need [SiRoB]

Changelog for eMule v0.42g EastShare v6.11 [06/09/2004]
based on [MorphXT 3.2]

Changelog for eMule v0.42g EastShare v6.10 [06/07/2004]
based on [MorphXT 3.2]
MERGED : Code Merged to MorphXT 3.2(eMule 0.42g) [Pretender]
FIXED : Variaous fixes arround category selection support [SiRoB]
FIXED : Show Permission preferency saving [SiRoB]
ADDED : PowerShare Limit per file, you can now specify when you want to stop powersharing a file based on complete source [SiRoB]
CHANGED: FakeCheck & IPFilter updated to prevent people use direct link to data file and bypass the version test [SiRoB]
CHANGED: Updated from the zz upload system 20040531-1749 [SiRoB]
CHANGED: IP2Country added a new flag map [Commander]
CHANGED: Updated to the latest zz Upload system [SiRoB]
CHANGED: Don't use the search selection tab official way for ed2k weblink [SiRoB]
CHANGED: Turning ShareOnlyTheNeed preferency into boolean [SiRoB]
ADDED : Backup tab and some other localizations [wex]

Changelog for eMule v0.42g EastShare v6.9 [05/18/2004]
based on [MorphXT 3.0]
MERGED : Code Merged to MorphXT 3.0(eMule 0.42g) [Pretender]
FIXED : Selection Category Support for weblink [SiRoB]
FIXED : Freeze trouble is away (Congratulation to zz to identify the cause) [SiRoB]
FIXED : Crash when removed a file that is uploaded to an other client [SiRoB]
FIXED : See A4AF Partstatus staying in blue [SiRoB]
FIXED : Upload trouble due to client staying in unkown transfert [SiRoB]
FIXED : Completed files aren't well identified by the select view filter [SiRoB]
FIXED : The right statusbar containing some random text when no use of dynamic upload [SiRoB]
FIXED : Cancel selective category dialog don't abort download from search result [SiRoB]
FIXED : Slective Chunk used only the default setting and not the per file setting [SiRoB]
CHANGED: Changed the way to use the selective category, when we use it but the tab in search or PastEd2kLink dialog are used we bypass it [SiRoB]
CHANGED: Updated zz Upload system (big Thanks) [SiRoB]


Changelog for eMule v0.42e EastShare v6.8 [05/09/2004]
based on [MorphXT 2.9]
MERGED : Code Merged to MorphXT 2.9(eMule 0.42g) [Pretender]
MERGED : Code merged to 0.42g [SiRoB]
ADDED : Solid Graph Option in Statistic preferency [SiRoB]
FIXED : Columns Preferency Saving (Sort, Size, Visibility) [SiRoB]
CHANGED: Now Canceling Selection category mean aborting [SiRoB]
CHANGED: Review the Selection category support (if not used take the official way) [SiRoB]
REMOVED: Group notion for downloading files have been removed (never implemented) [SiRoB]

Changelog for eMule v0.42e EastShare v6.7 [04/26/2004]
based on [MorphXT 2.8]
MERGED : Code Merged to MorphXT 2.8(eMule 0.42e) [Pretender]
FIXED : Killing this ******* Invalide Parameter [SiRoB]
FIXED : Some translation arround some button [SiRoB]
FIXED : The freeze trouble should be away [SiRoB]
CHANGED: Updated UploadBandwithThrottler from the latest zz version [SiRoB]
CHANGED: zz ratio is presente when friend slot is activated on one of the friend [SiRoB]
CHANGED: systray & application icon without white glitch on dark desktop by FrankyFive [SiRoB]
TWEAKED: Improved Anti-Leecher feature avoid some case where leecher can enter in queue [SiRoB]

Changelog for eMule v0.42e EastShare v6.6 [04/23/2004]
based on [MorphXT 2.6]
FIXED : K6-3 CPU failed in user security identification
CHANGED: Upload/Download rate modified to 2 decimal places [Pretender]

Changelog for eMule v0.42e EastShare v6.5 [04/13/2004]
based on [MorphXT 2.6]
MERGED : Code Merged to MorphXT 2.6(eMule 0.42e) [Pretender]
FIXED : Abnormal Know.met file growing [SiRoB]
CHANGED: IpFilter and FakeCheck have been changed to avoid continuous update in case it is used with an autoupdater by other mod [SiRoB]
ADDED : Invisible Mode (enable in EastShare tab, Winkey+S to switch) [Pretender]

Changelog for eMule v0.42e EastShare v6.4 [04/08/2004]
based on [MorphXT 2.5]
ADDED : Update status before upload [TAHO]
ADDED : Aux Ports support from lugdunummaster [AndCycle]
CHANGED: RT Credit System update [so8so]

Changelog for eMule v0.42e EastShare v6.2 [04/04/2004]
based on [MorphXT 2.5]
MERGED : Code Merged to MorphXT 2.5(eMule 0.42e) [Pretender]
ADDED  : Friend Tabs in UploadList, ClientList, KnownList [Pretender]
ADDED  : Option to enable/disable ChunkDots in progress bar [Pretender]

Changelog for eMule v0.42d EastShare v6.1 [04/03/2004]
based on [MorphXT 2.4]
MERGED : Code Merged to MorphXT 2.4(eMule 0.42d) [Pretender]
ADDED  : ModID Statistic from Slugfiller and code improvement from TPT [SiRoB]
FIXED  : Systray Fix to avoid all the schedulable parameter to not correctly be saved at shutdown [SiRoB]
FIXED  : A wroung test causing zz ratio allways activated since the 2.0 version :) [SiRoB]
CHANGED: The current Download, Upload Slot+Overhead, Upload Friend Slot & Upload Slot are drawn in solid in Statistic Window [SiRoB]
CHANGED: The average speed rate are dynamicly mesured from 1'' to 30'' depending on the number of sample [SiRoB]
CHANGED: Update Code to the latest ZZ Upload System [SiRoB]
CHANGED: Default Statistic Graph color [SiRoB]
CHANGED: Update SUWQT code from MoonLight [AndCycle]


Changelog for eMule v0.42d EastShare v6 [03/16/2004]
based on [MorphXT 2.3]

MERGED : Code Merged to MorphXT 2.3(eMule 0.42d) [Pretender]
ADDED  : Pay Back First Tweak [SiRoB/AndCycle/Yun.SF3]
FIXED  : When adding CRC32 tag to a filename, the tag suffix could not be changed. [MightyKnife]
FIXED  : The prio for category is now well updated in the CAT Popup [SiRoB]
FIXED  : Several fixes on catagory, filter mask, icons and etc. [SiRoB]
CHANGED: Updated some part of code from latest zz upload system related to uploadBandwidthThrottler and LanCommunRouterFinder [SiRoB]
CHANGED: Update SafeHash and MergeKnown code from SF-IOM mod, partial changed mergeKnown code to adapt 0.42 code
CHANGED: Powershare is now only applied for secured client [SiRoB]
REMOVED: Multiple Instance option, use the command "-IgnoreInstances" instead
TWEAKED: Friend Slot Management, Show slot assignement in the message window and visual fix [SiRoB]
CHANGED: Leecher database updated [Pretender]
CHANGED: EastShare Credit System [Pretender]
REMOVED: FPU/MMX/AMD/SSE memset FPU/MMX/SSE memcpy optimized (not that needed in official 0.42d code)
REMOVED: Update status before upload (To be added in next version)
NOTES  : EashShare credit system:
base ratings: id. users(100); not supported users(80); invalid id. users(0); min.=10, max.=5000
+6 per MB uploaded and -2 for downloaded; +100 if upload 1MB+; if rating < 50 and upload 1MB+, rating = 50



Internet Zugang notwendig: DSL Flatrate und guter Provider: Arcor, T-Online, Congster




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