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Download eMule
iONiX 3.61

eMule iONiX 4.12:
-- added: AntiLeech-Class [WiZaRd]
-- this class currently contains AntiNickThief v2.2 && AntiModThief v2.1 which
-- updated versions of our old codes
-- @MODDERS: please read the comments in the src files!
added: Minimize on close (if you click the X then eMule will be minimized) [WiZaRd]
added: WiZaRd ModVersion Code
fixed: WiZaRd AutoHL [WiZaRd/Aireoreion]
fixed: Editboxes in iONiX Tweaks II [Aireoreion]
fixed: Upload in Taskbar/Minimule is now displayed correct if Pawcio BC is
disabled [Aireoreion]
fixed: Asterisk for 1:4 session ratio is now displayed in Taskbar [Aireoreion/WiZaRd]
fixed: TBH-Minimule (TPT) [Aireoreion]
fixed: FriendSlots & Friendslot Icons [Aireoreion]
fixed: Friendupload in Stats [WiZaRd]
fixed: UploadList [WiZaRd]
optimizied: iONiX Prefs [WiZaRd]
modified: Categories (most parts from categories+ by khaos/TPT) [Aireoreion]
removed: Pawcio ModVersion Code
removed: official Minimule (TPT) [Aireoreion]
removed: AntiModThief [WiZaRd]
removed: AntiNickThief [WiZaRd]
Some small fixes and changes from TPT
Some main fixes and changes by WiZaRd
eMule iONiX 4.11:
added: IP2Country to Kadmelia (efmod) [SP/WiZaRd/Aireoreion]
added: Invisible Mode on Startup [WiZaRd/Aireoreion]
added and modified: NiceHash from CB-Mod [WiZaRd/Aireoreion]
added: iONiX Webtemplate [dani555]
added: included german language file [Aireoreion]
fixed: Upload color [SP/Aireoreion]
fixed: Detailinfo in chatwindow [SP]
fixed: WiZaRd AutoHL [SP] //ThX 2 mikeeblau
fixed: PC: timeout fix focused [WiZaRd]
fixed: WC: timeout fix focused [WiZaRd]
fixed: Copy ed2k-Link (Boardcode) in Downloadlist, Searchlist, Shared Files [SP]
//ThX 2 moony
fixed: Source Saver unicode compatibility //ThX 2 mikeeblau
fixed: missing Optimizer entries [Aireoreion]
fixed: Don't Refresh item in UploadList if not needed (morph) [Aireoreion]
modified: iONiX Prefs to work with diffrent languages [Aireoreion]
update: Import Parts from SR13 (Morph) [Aireoreion]
some small changes and fixes
eMule iONiX 4.1:
added: WiZaRd AutoHL [WiZaRd]
added: aux Ports support from lugdunummaster [SP]
added: failed WC-Downloads (number) and percentage of all WC-Download sessions [Aireoreion]
added: Check ionixguide for it's correct version [Aireoreion]
added: Anti-Virus Check [SP]
added: Upload/Download colored/bold [SP]
added: emulate MLDonkey, eDonkey, eDonkeyhybrid [SP]
fixed: optical problems [SP]
fixed: Change of downloadspeed in BandwidthControl [Aireoreion] //ThX 2
fixed: Reask source after IP Change [SP]
modified: RandomPort [Aireoreion]
modified: ModVersion integration [Aireoreion/WiZaRd]
modified: fakecheck view in transfer/download Window [SP/WiZaRd]
modified: IP2Country [SP/WiZaRd]
update: ionixguide 1.1.3 [Aireoreion]
many small changes and fixes
eMule iONiX 4.01 (HotFiX):
fixed: AntiNickThief [WiZaRd]
eMule iONiX 4.0:
merged to eMule 0.45b [SP]
compiled with new zlib 1.22
added: Versionscheck iONiX [Aireoreion]
added: iONiX Guide [Aireoreion/SP]
added: link to iONiX Support Forum [WiZaRd/SP]
added: Establish Friendslot in Transfer/Queue [SP]
added: Info-Dialog for new WebCache users [Aireoreion]
fixed: complete download-prio rework [WiZaRd]
fixed: Statistics [WiZaRd]
fixed: memory exception [WiZaRd]
fixed: Creditssystem (Pawcio/Lovelace/Official/None) [WiZaRd/Aireoreion]
fixed: problems with webcache when using randomports [WiZaRd]
fixed: problems with uncorrected transferrates in titel when activated BC [WiZaRd/Aireoreion]
fiXed: ConChecker [WiZaRd]
modified: particial S.N.A.F.U. V 3.1 [WiZaRd]
modified: enkeyDEV: ICS [SP]
modified: Fakecheck [SP]
modified: ipfilter.dat check [SP]
removed: WapServer from emulEspaņa [SP]
removed: crashreporter [SP]
Many small fixes and changes