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Download eMule
iONiX 3.61

iONiX 3.61:
added to eMule 0.44d
added: Sivka - Aggressive Client Handling [WiZaRd/SP]
added: Simple Drop Timer [WiZaRd/SP]
added: Drop Log [SP]
modified: Modthief v2 [WiZaRd]
change: AntiNickThief Update to v2 [WiZaRd]
change: using the safe-delete macros for some deletions [WiZaRd] //macros from
fix: Statistics [SP]
fix: Use correct icon for statistics [SP]
fix: fixed sendbuffer-deletion in ClientUDPSocket [WiZaRd] //ThX 2 spanish_man
fix: fixed some banning options & logs [WiZaRd]
removed: Option for Defeat 0-filled Part Senders
iONiX 3.6:
added to eMule 0.44d
added: Bandwidth Control (Pawcio) [SP]
added: Creditssystem (Pawcio/Lovelace/Official/None) [SP]
added: Share only the Need [Pawcio] [SP]
added: Hide Over Share [Pawcio] [SP]
added: Anti HideOS [Netfinity] [SP]
modified: Powershare [Morph/Pawcio] [SP]
removed: Min/Max Slots
removed: Smart Upload Control v2 (SUC)
removed: Automatic Dynamic Upload System switching
removed: failed WC-Downloads (number) and percentage of all WC-Download sessions
iONiX 3.51:
added to eMule 0.44d
FiX: sorting by version in clientlist fixed [WiZaRd]
FiX: country column is now saved properly [WiZaRd]
FiX: fixed some banning options [WiZaRd]
FiX: relax some list-cleaning actions to save CPU [WiZaRd]
FiX: prefs won't be saved on clicking cancel (speedup) [WiZaRd]
ADDON: added CrashRptDll-support [WiZaRd]
CHANGE: QuickStart does no more depend on number of files (will keep your set
timing) [WiZaRd]
CHANGE: PowerSharing clients will always get in upload first (score doesn't
matter) [WiZaRd]
CHANGE: QuickStart will now use less CPU [WiZaRd]
CHANGE: changed default CPU support to all CPUs [WiZaRd]
iONiX 3.5:
added to eMule 0.44d
added: Spooky-Mode
added: Con Checker
added: Url to ionix Mod Update
added: PowerSharing [WiZaRd 4 [ionix] - PowerShare]
--> Restrictions:
- only ONE file can be powershared
- only COMPLETE files can be powershared
added: New Icons [Jelly]
modified: Drop NNS, FullQR, too many connections,Drop High Queue Sources (with
fix: typedef fix for some compilers [WiZaRd 4 [ionix] - FiX typedefs]
fix: remove WebCache Sockets from upload [WiZaRd 4 [ionix] - WCSocket-Removal]
fix: fixed wrong IDC for exit in tray [WiZaRd 4 [ionix] - IDC_TRAY_EXIT]
fix: complete source display fix [WiZaRd 4 [ionix] - complete source fix]
removal: removed 17 uneeded icons from res-folder
iONiX 3.47:
added to eMule 0.44d
fiX: crash on downloadingclients without credits [WiZaRd]
iONiX 3.45:
added to eMule 0.44d
added: Smart Upload Control v2 (SUC)
added: Automatic Dynamic Upload System switching
added: failed WC-Downloads (number) and percentage of all WC-Download sessions
added: Import Parts from SR13
added: Option for Defeat 0-filled Part Senders
modified: Anti Mod Faker
some Bugfixes by WiZaRd
iONiX 3.44:
added to eMule 0.44d
added: Min/Max Slots
optimized: Release Prio
added: Serverfilter
modified: enkeyDEV: ICS
modified: Reconnect on LowID
modified: Optimizer
removed: Powershare
removed: Bandwidth Control
removed: Pawcio Credit
removed: emulate others
removed: netfinity: Anti HideOS
iONiX 3.4:
added to eMule 0.44d
added: Serverfilter
modified: Reconnect on LowID
modified: Optimizer
removed: Bandwidth Control
removed: Pawcio Credit
removed: emulate others
iONiX 3.3:
eMule 0.44b Pawcio 5.15f merged
[compiled with VS 2003]
added: Leecher Secure
added: ClientBantime 1-20 h
added: Anti ID Mod Faker
added: particial S.N.A.F.U. V3
added: Leecher Secure Log
added: UPNP
added: RandomPort
added: Improved ICF from emulEspaņa
added: WapServer from emulEspaņa
added: Mini-Mule
Small Bugfixes
iONiX 3.24:
added: Webcache 1.2f
added: Anti-Nickthief
fixed: Auto-HL
eMule iONiX 3.22:
eMule 0.44b Pawcio 5.15 merged
[compiled with VS 2003]
build: This is a Unicode Build.
fixed: show iONiX icon on Client detect
fixed: IP Country
fixed: Quickstart
eMule iONiX 3.2:
eMule 0.44b Pawcio 5.14 merged
[compiled with VS 2003]
added: Webcache 1.2e
added: Load/Saved Sources
added: Fakecheck
added: ipfilter.dat check
added: show version-numbers of Fakes- and IPfilter.dat
added: show iONiX icon on Client detect
added: Releasewindow
added: AutoBackup
added: Automatically backup backups in backup2 directory
fixed: Quickstart on IP change
modified: Quickstart
Emule 0.44b iONiX 3.11:
added: DL-Feedback in Downloadlist
fixed: Modlogproblem Webcache
Emule 0.44b Ionix 3.0
Mod based on eMule 0.44b Pawcio 5.11
- Xlillo 1.03 merged
- control download priority
- Reconnect on LowID
- Reask Server after IP Change
- Invisible with HotKey
- IP Country
- emulate Edonkey
- emulate ML Donkey
- emulate Hybrid
- multiple Instances
- QR Verlauf im Downloadfenster
- RQR/Speed at the Upload
- Modlog
- UL-Feedback
- Quickstart
- autoserver reconnect