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eMule 0.46b LSD-22b (Pi)

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eMule 0.46b LSD-22b (Pi) bewerten...
This MoD contains features which are destructive for the network.

- eMule 46b LSD-22b (Pi) -
- July 21th, 2005 -
-Upgrading to 46b
-Added MSS 1300-1460
-Added Reconect on LowID
-Added Increase Release Prio
-Added don't send LSD Mod String (Anon Mod)
-Added IpCountry Flag
-Added Fake Check
-Added Process Priority
-Added Column MOD/CS/Total UP-DL in some Lists
-Added Friend Slots
-Added Update MetaData Tags.
-Added Connection Timeoute reduces 40s->20s
-Added Max Upload Time reduded 60m->20m (in not full chunks Mod)
-Added Hasing % Progres.
-SSE1/SSE2 Bin Builds.

- eMule 45b LSD-20a (Omicron4) -
20.1074 Server-Edition -
-some fix
-go to 45b
-dont'ask new src if too many <300 (beta)
-connection timeout 40 default recomended 20s, affects dl/up.
-Update/fix some libs SSE1/SSE2 in src project.

- Decemeber 11th, 2004 -
- eMule 44d LSD-19b (Lambda) -
-Fix Status Bar when disabled bandwidth overhead.
-Fix Individual Push.
-Fix Kad icons Yellow.
-Fix Max Upload Slots.
-Some other minifixes.
-Option for Drop Ignoring Time Connected.
-Added Some Menu Icons.
-Fix DownloadClientsList upload/queue status/rank.
-Fix Statistics ClientsVer.
-Now when *** Chatsession Start, also displays ModVer and Country Name.
-Added Custom Color if client is Downloading in Upload/Queue and Uploading in Transfers.

- Decemeber 02th, 2004 -
- eMule 44d LSD-19a (Kappa) (Gold Src) -
-Added Preallocate Parte File in Disk (Tetra)
-Added 3 new main buttons (Reask SRV, XS, KAD)
-Added Push RF, SF, PF, CS (Tarod)
-Added Transfer FullChunks For Release Files (Pawcio)
-Added Individual FullChunks & FullChunks Release.
-Added Individual disable Ask KAD/SRV.
-Added Push, CS col in Upload/Queue List.
-Added From Src col in Vlient List.
-Added ServerUDP Port (official Hidden) /* <- By Xanatos */
-Tweaked Push CS.
-Tweaked FastDrop.
-Added Drop Hybrid qrank 0 when drop unknown, fullq, fastdrop.
-Tweaked Community get any Matching String in Username COM1|COM2|...
-TWeaked Manual ASK 3 XS Consecutive.
-Ipfiler, Fakes, IP2Country .dat, are load after splash screen.
-Added WebCache 1.2f Fixed by SiRoB (WEBCACHE declaration in Compiler)
-Added Main button Drop Basura (unknow,ban,error,hybrid qrank=0)
-Bost Uploads WebCache with same Proxy Name.
-Added Comunnity OVL/icon.
-Added KAD clienticon.
-Changed Individual Tweaks class.
-Added LSD Force MultiSelection Sub-Menu
*Kappa7*b1057* (RC)
-Drop ByTime Indv, Minim client time conected before drop. (0) disabled
-Push WebCache.

*Kappa8*b1058* (RC2)
-Fix Time Conected Sort in DList.
-Added Overlay Icon, Red SupportsWebCache, Green IsBehindOurWebCache.
-Added Client Icon for Kad Connected Clients.
-Added Client Icon for Community match Clients.
-Added icons in DL clients.
-Added Transfer Via Proxy Sort.
-Added ZZUL_20040918-2355 Patch for control friendSpeed.
Added LSD DebugLogGreen, DebugLogBlue, DebugLogCustom.
-Custom Color in nonBold too.
-Added Custom colors in DownloadStatus
--DS_ONQUEUE:RGB(0, 64, 128)

*Kappa9*b1059* (RC3)
-Added Individual PUSH.
-Added Prefs LSD Uploads.
-Added Prefs LSD Downloads.
-Added Prefs LSD Downloads.

-Fixed CrashBug Tweaks-upload/download dlg.
-add ZZ Ratio in work (disable uss if get problems with ratio)
-add khaos::kmod+ Src Ex Ver. (also don't save FULLQ)
-add Button Show Downloads in Colors.
-Somo other fixes.
-Reduces Size of LSD Dlg.
-add Push Same Proxy
-add disable SourceExchange System disabling Tag send hello msg Tarod/Maella/[TPT] (ET_SOURCEEXCHANGE ? 0 : 3);
-improved fast drop system.

- Decemeber 02th, 2004 -
- eMule 44d LSD-19a (Kappa) (Gold Src) -
*Kappa10*b1060* (GOLD)
-Added Pawcio BC 5.15f
-Added Max Limit Sokets in Manage Active Connection BC.
-Added ServerReaskTime, ServerUDPReaskTime, KADReaskTime.
-Added DownloadClientsCtrl. (Stormit)

---TO DO--->>

-drop limit by total number of asks answers FULLQ.
-Ban List.
-Auto Upload-Slots.
-Rewrite AutoHL.
-Timer Speed SUp, Splah hide.
-Ul Priority in Tweaks Upload.
-UnShare partFiles when not in Use.
-File Priority in Tweaks DLG.
-Global Src Control.




Internet Zugang notwendig: DSL Flatrate und guter Provider: Arcor, T-Online, Congster




eMule .:. Server.Met .:. eMule Download .:. eMule-Anleitung .:. eMule-Archiv .:. allnews.de .:. eMoogle Amazon: Computerspiele
