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eMule 0.46b LSD-22b (Pi)

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eMule 0.46b LSD-22b (Pi) bewerten...

- March 23th,2003 -
- EMULE 27a LSD-5e -
(FIX) Supercompresion / Overwrite Already Downloaded Parts And Chunk (BadWolf/xrmb/emarc) (SuperCompBlocks=1) default ON
(FIX) Hybrid's Op_end_of_download (bluecow)
(LSD) CMod_Version Class version 3. Sort/Display better clients Version.
(FIX) CONNECTION_TIMEOUT 60 to 40sec (official value)
(LSD) Auto ban again.
(LSD) Changed some debug strings.
(MOD) New LSD_Pref Icon (KoKaïne)
(LSD) changed optim setings.
(LSD) Can use old priotity settings. put this in preference.ini (OldPrioSystem=1) default OFF
(LSD) Download all A4AF now. Fixed
(FIX) Some 27b fixes.

- March 20th,2003 -
- EMULE 27a LSD-5d -

(FIX) Better Translated. Reordenated in Pref_Mod.
(FIX) FakePort/Nick Attack (lovelace)
(FIX) Fixing Source files are incorrect in 5c (GNU Rules)
(Mod) Detecting Lovelace version and Generic x55 string mod
(FIX) MAX_RESULTS 240 to 100 (official value) (Mod Rules)

- March 17th,2003 -
- EMULE 27a LSD-5b - (Solid)

(FIX)Sort Fix DownPriority/Status
(FIX)LSD Mod send correct version
(FIX)Auto-Drop FULLQ fixed.
(FIX)Sort Fix in clientlist" FULLQ/ONQ Transfer UP/DW
(FIX)Clientlist added Speed Column

This version is Solid & Fast.

- March 16th,2003 -
- EMULE 27a LSD-5a -(BETA 1)
(ADD) Save/Load Sources (Mr.Fry)
(ADD) Drop NNS/FULLQ (auto/manual)
(ADD) RE-ASK Times On/Off, change Times
(ADD) Filedetail (wonlost)
(ADD) Show and Sort Mod Version on lists (Tarod/LSD/Plus/Morph/Oxy/Fusion)
(ADD) Mod version columns on Upload/Queue list.
(ADD) Total Transfered UP/DL columns on Upload/Queue list.
(LSD) Other Tweaks/Fixs

This is Beta version of Official Alpha, calibrate risk yourself.

A4AF sometimes hangs emule when use it.

- March 13th,2003 -
- EMULE 26d LSD-4e -

(FIX) Bug- Download First/last Chunks First, Extension of filename case sensitive
(FIX) Full Chunck Transfer, control the uploaded legth (jicxicmic)
(FIX) Download Stops Prematurely and Download Rarest Chunks Version2 (jicxicmic/maella)
(FIX) CUpDownClient::SendBlockData() (Maella)
(FIX) More Accurate datarates Calculation of integer divisions (Mod)
(LSD) Now Indentify Morph/Oxygen Mods
(MOD) Show Ask For Another Files (A4AF) files in Status Column (Sivka)
(LSD) Ask Server for New Source, now works with files with more than 1000 sources
(LSD) Auto Add ip to ipfilter, now appears work.
(FIX) Other Fix/Tweaks
(FIX) Datarate in try-icon, is displayed correct in Win2003-RTM
(MOD) New Logo/About .jpg thnks to (KoKaïne)

- March 10th,2003 -
- EMULE 26d LSD-4d -

(LSD) Auto Add to Ip-Filter after Atack. (but not saved Ipfilter.dat) (button on files_pref)
(LSD) Reload Ipfilter.dat/Edit Drop Full Queue (Buttons of Pref_Files) (when push lose all temp ip auto-added)
(LSD) Can Drop All Asking Clients.
(LSD) Remove Single Client on Download List
(FIX) Swaptoanotherfile, small fix (Maella)
(FIX) Memory Leak In Preference (Maella)
(MOD) Show Upload Progress Better (LoneStar)
(MOD) Community Sharing, get *2 score, on files_pref. (Hunter/Fusion)
(FIX) Sorting QueueList Fixed
(FIX) CONNECTION_TIMEOUT modified 40sec to 60sec
(FIX) Static Servers, good saved when change prio.

- March 7th,2003 -
- EMULE 26d LSD-4c -

(FIX) Removed this fix "Minor Memory Leak Patches ::unzip (Ghworg)" cause dont dl in some cases.
(MOD) Download Stops Prematurely and Improve Downloads, thnks (jicxicmic)
(MOD) Reconnect on LowID (Tarod)
(LSD) Added Version Column in Queue_List

- March 6th,2003 -
- EMULE 26d LSD-4b -

(FIX) Minor Memory Leak Patches ::unzip (Ghworg)
(FIX) Better Compatibility With Hybrid (bluecow)
(FIX) Check For New Version (bluecow/maella)
(FIX) Tweaks_Dlg Force NNS/FULLQ Boxes Enable/Disable
(FIX) Sort by Mod Version
(FIX) Some Fix in Display Mod Version (Tarod 0, LSD 0, Plus 1/1a, Plus 25.05)

- March 5th,2003 -
- EMULE 26d LSD-4a -

(LSD) Major Upgrade, some things are --experimental--
(LSD) Can Adjust Time Force Drop NNS / FULLq
(LSD) Can Change Automatic Times, REASK_NNS / REASK_FULLQ / REASK_SERVER (automatic)
(LSD) Can Disable Automatic REASK_NNS / REASK_FULLQ / REASK_SERVER (automatic) (--experimental--)
(LSD) Two Buttons in Tweaks_Dlg for Set Default / Optim setings.
(LSD) Display Subversion of Emule in dl_list and up_list
(LSD) Can Display Tarod Mods Versions (Thnks Tarod)
(LSD) Can Display LSD Mods Versions 4a+ (--experimiental--)
(LSD) Display if Client is Official or Mod (Tarod Ext Prot 0<ver)
(LSD) Can Display PLUS Mods Versions 0+ (--experimiental-- and is not full implemented with Plus Team)
(LSD) Other Fix/Tweaks

Be Carefully changing Automatic Times, always you can push Default/Optimal Button, for restore setings



Internet Zugang notwendig: DSL Flatrate und guter Provider: Arcor, T-Online, Congster




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