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eMule LSD.MoD Download Archiv... ----------------------
- March 2th,2003 -
- EMULE 26d LSD-3f -
(FIX) Drop Full Queue after 60 min, now works
(FIX) Fakeport attak is now short, and more clear
(LSD) Can disable ask server for new sources
- February 26th,2003 -
- EMULE 26d LSD-3e2 -
(FIX) display ip of malicius users FakePort Attack/TriedCrash Attack, can do
counterstrike or add to ipfilter.dat or firewall.
(LSD) Force Drop Queue Full after 60 min
(LSD) can disable request source XS (also send XS on prevoius)
this second E build are only released for Hacking/Nuke atacks.
- February 25th,2003 -
- EMULE 26d LSD-3e -
(FIX) DownloadClient.cpp, DrawStatusBar null pointer cause crash (TRON)
(FIX) Min Upload Slot Fixed
(LSD) webservices.dat, can now check files on (
(LSD) Ask Server for new sources (manual)
(LSD) Auto-Drop NNS, now is Force Auto Drop NNS after 60minutes
(MOD/FIX) AntiCrash/AntiFake handling [thnks Vorlost/Mortillo] non-standard name
to "!!!CrashName!!!"
(MOD/FIX) Also ban malicius users, fake port and tring crash eMule. [thnks sivka/Mortillo]
(LSD) Added Column for Totals UP/DL from client. (downloadctrl,Uploadctrl,queuectrl)
(LSD) Some others tweaks
- February 17th,2003 -
- EMULE 26d LSD-3d -
(LSD) Updated to Emule 26d Source
(LSD) Max search found set to 200
(FIX) Now save/load correct uploadlist size/columns
(FIX) Cupdownclient::sendblockdata() !socket->IsBusy()
- February 13th,2003 -
- EMULE 26b LSD-3c -
(FIX) Fix max client Column on serverlist
(FIX) Sources ar stored .srclsd, this fix disapering transfers on startup.
(MOD) Diable source exchange only send sources
(debug) Source info debug String
(debug) source info single client on debug-output
(LSD) Allow Multiple-Instances of eMule, including -multi in command line.
- February 12th,2003 -
- EMULE 26b LSD-3b -
(FIX) Save Download Priorities on exit.
(FIX) Server.met Autosave Bug
(FIX) break when remove source
(FIX) Column order in Downloadlist not saved&restored properly
(FIX) Fixed Upload Slots Number
(LSD) Added Re-Ask Queue no need parts
(LSD) Added Re-Ask Queue Full Queues
(debug) Get Queue Info on log debug
(LSD) Added Min Uploads (3-6) default 4
(LSD) Friends double score.
(LSD) some other things
PD:Reasking a lots get a ban, normaly 3x1hour=ban
- February 11th,2003 -
- EMULE 26b LSD-3a -
Implementing All Stuff in 26b source
(FIX) Now Max Prio release is -1
(LSD) Re-coded :DownloadAllA4AF adusting to 26b source
(FIX) m_web
(FIX) DisableXS
Adusjt Max source per File 1000/2000 if get problems with files of 6000++