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eMule 0.46b LSD-22b (Pi)

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eMule 0.46b LSD-22b (Pi) bewerten...

- January 20th, 2003 -
- EMULE 25b LSD-1d -
-Added Auto-Drop Unneded Sources
-Added Current Transfers List. Added Client version column (thanks to xrmb)
-Fixed Users/files size in status bar.
-100% Translated Catalan Language (only miss Especial Mod msg) (LSD)

- January 17th, 2003 -
- EMULE 25b LSD-1c -
Updated to 25b Kernel.

Enabled Again:
"start next paused when completes"
"Show overhead bandwidth"

- January 17th, 2003 -
- EMULE 25a LSD-1b -
Fix:Status Manager now can see current files/users conected in server.
Addon:Now can edit server Name/ip/port
(in servers dlg, click edit server, later modify in server statics and do add to list)

- January 17th, 2003 -
- EMULE 25a LSD-1a -

Save/Load Sources (manual mode only) (CStoredSources version 4)
A4AF (asked for another files, force download)
Drop No Need Sources (manual mode only)
Total Size Lost/Gain after ICH/Compersion (filedetails)
Fixed Priorityrelease in sharedfiles (catalonian lang)
Better Icons.
Some other tweaks.

Features disabled (Recomendations in 25a for Completing Bug.):
disabled : "start next paused when completes"
disabled : "Show overhead bandwidth"

Thnks to all moders Tarod, Mr Fry, xrmb, Amdribant, Mortillo, Skiva, Vorlost ... and all master developers.

delete clients.met and known.met before upgrading to Emule 25a
(only do this if get errors when completing files, because lost credits, or wait for 25c (gold source)
also when finish download file do "clear completed" before nothing

Main Features:

(LSD) Can edit server Name/ip/port. (in serverlist)
(LSD) Can Disable Auto-Sort Always. (on/off)
(LSD) Added Re-Ask All no need parts
(LSD) Added Re-Ask All Full Queues.
(LSD) Added Re-Ask Individual Full Queues/NNS
(if has news chukns or space in queue)
(LSD) Friends double score/ratio.
(LSD) Added Option to Increase Release Prio, pushing to 1st position queue (Very good for rare/small files)
(LSD) Added Max Server Capacity Column on serverlist.
(LSD) Added Client Version Column on Uploadslist.
(LSD) Added Min Uploads (3-6) default 4 (adjuster)
(LSD) Display 3 New Source Status (DS_BANNED,DS_ERROR,DS_NONE)
(LSD) Show Exact Users/files in status bar.
(debug) Get Queue Info on log debug.
(debug) Added debug log for helping debug.
(mod) Save/Load Sources (Mr.Fry) (saved as .srclsd)
(mod) A4AF (imporved version) (Tarod/Ambdribant)
(mod) Drop No Need Sources (Tarod/Modder)
(mod) Drop Full Queue. (Tarod/Modder)
(mod) Drop Too Many Conections. (LSD)
(mod) Drop Unknown Sources (DS_NONE). (LSD)
(mod) Total Size Lost/Gain after ICH/Compersion (filedetails)
(mod) Disable XS (source exchange) (only sended sources)
(mod) Reask After Transferring if has more parts. (Ottavio84)
(fix) eMule src fixes.
-Some other tweaks.
(LSD) Allow Multiple-Instances of eMule, including -multi in command line.
(LSD) Max search found set to 200
(MOD/FIX) AntiCrash/AntiFake handling [thnks Vorlost/Mortillo]
(LSD) webservices.dat, can now check files on (jigle.com/fakecheck)
(LSD) Ask Server for new sources (manual)
(LSD) Auto-Drop NNS, now is Force Auto Drop NNS after 60minutes
(LSD) Added Column for Totals UP/DL from client. (downloadctrl,Uploadctrl,queuectrl)
(FIX) display ip of malicius users FakePort Attack/TriedCrash Attack, can do counterstrike or add to ipfilter.dat or firewall.
(LSD) Force Drop Queue Full after 60 min
(LSD) can disable request source XS (also send XS on previous)
(LSD) Can disable ask server for new sources
(LSD) Major Upgrade, some things are --experimental--
(LSD) Can Adjust Time Force Drop NNS / FULLq
(LSD) Can Change Automatic Times, REASK_NNS / REASK_FULLQ / REASK_SERVER (automatic)
(LSD) Can Disable Automatic REASK_NNS / REASK_FULLQ / REASK_SERVER (automatic) (--experimental--)
(LSD) Two Buttons in Tweaks_Dlg for Set Default / Optim setings.
(LSD) Display Subversion of Emule in dl_list and up_list
(LSD) Can Display Tarod Mods Versions (Thnks Tarod)
(LSD) Can Display LSD Mods Versions 4a+ (--experimiental--)
(LSD) Display if Client is Official or Mod (Tarod Ext Prot 0<ver)
(LSD) Can Display PLUS Mods Versions 0+ (--experimiental-- and is not full implemented with Plus Team)
(LSD) Other Fix/Tweaks

PD:Reasking a lots get a ban, normaly 3x1hour=ban
PD:Re-Ask NNS, ask no need sources, if are new parts.
PD:Re-Ask Full Queue, ask Full Queue clients, if are space in his queue.
PD:Debug info-LSD, for debuging proposes only.
PD:Execute emule.exe -multi for allow multi processes.
PD:Sort UP/DL Column, 1click sort UP, 2click sort DL
PD:Be Carefully changing Automatic Times, always you can push Default/Optimal Button, for restore setings

eMule 26d LSD-4c
03/07/03 v4.03 (Big Bug Fix)



Internet Zugang notwendig: DSL Flatrate und guter Provider: Arcor, T-Online, Congster




eMule .:. Server.Met .:. eMule Download .:. eMule-Anleitung .:. eMule-Archiv .:. allnews.de .:. eMoogle Amazon: Computerspiele
