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eMule 0.46b LSD-22b (Pi)

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eMule 0.46b LSD-22b (Pi) bewerten...

- September 22th, 2003-
- eMule 30a LSD-12e -
v12.05 09/22/03 (12e)
FIX] #zegzav:updcliuplst
[FIX] Maella -Code Fix DestroySocket()-
[MOD] itsonlyme: cacheUDPsearchResults
[FIX] Some Maella Code Improvement
[FIX] This Clients Always Enter in Queue IsFriend, PR_RELEASE, PR_VERYHIGH
[FIX] Trydialog tooltip not cuted
[FIX] CompleSrc Slugfiller improvement
[FIX] Max Con Soft/Hard not changed in pref/conn when move from pref to pref (SerG)
[FIX] Unlimited friendslots in queuelist
[FIX] In DownloadList new files added last
[LSD] Mr.Proper BETA (clean clientlist unused sources, source in clientsctrl with DownloadState&Uploadstate NONE removed from mem) Free mem function.
[FIX] Clientlistctrl now show file req for upload&Download.
[FIX] small bug, eMule allows to open unfinished files in sharedfiles (NoamSon)


- September 15th, 2003 -
- eMule 30a LSD-12d -
v12.04 09/15/03 (12d)
[LSD] Source Time Reask (snd/req) Adjust (4-20) Default 10minutes
[LSD] Manual Ask for new XS source
[LSD] On Debug when receive XS, display how many are valids/news
[FIX] Supercompression/anticorrution Disabled for 1st and last chunks
[FIX] HotFix by SiRoB about problem of udp request during full connection reached
[FIX] Pawcio Fix CUploadQueue::AddClientToQueu
[FIX] System Icon on DownList - NoamSon
[FIX] Reduced Min Size on Tabs in Search
[FIX] RemoveFromUploadQueue // modified by sivka
[FIX] Friends, and who want ReleasePRIO-file can allways entry the waiting queue (sivka)
[MOD] #zegzav:completesrc
[FIX] Reduce CPU Usage when disable downloadlist ctrl (LSD)

- September 10th, 2003 -
- eMule 30a LSD-12c -
v12.03 09/10/03 (12c)
[FIX] txtsrc don't delete after completion
[FIX] AMD version sometimes crash in dnslookup
[FIX] Pawcio fix in listesocket.
[FIX] Pawcio fix nstrdup fires an exception!! in ET_MOD_VERSION
[FIX] Pawcio ToolTip fix for Dual Monitors.
[FIX] ED2kLink in txtsrc
[FIX] fBaseValue (float) division (lovelace)
[FIX] Statisc Graph, COScopeCtrl::ReCreateGraph(), Code optimalization (Maella)
[FIX] banned stats, and fix (NoamSon)
[FIX] Delete Sockets Fix (Maella)
[FIX] Maella -Defeat 0-filled Part Senders- (Idea of xrmb) Compression/Corruption
(in some ISOS can detect bad correct-block specially end part) solve disabling
[FIX] Fix Infinity Loop "Upload session ended due canceled transfer", if fail add ip to ipfilter (only if is infinite loop).
[FIX] Bans fakeport atakers
[FIX] Fake/ipfilter % Progress Caption Fix (LSD)
[FIX] PrefsTweak greyed boxes in debug info.
[LSD] Individual Auto-SLS
[LSD] Removed unknown Button and Reduced Icons Size
[LSD] Cat-Tabs Is Longer and min size reduced, can see 25 tabs in 800x600 (if titles is 1 char)
[FIX] DrawUpStatusBar (wistily)
(fixs status bars in up/dl, last chunk or if files is less than 9,8mb too)

- August 26th, 2003 -
- eMule 30a LSD-12b -
v12.02 08/26/03 (12b)
[FIX] GetResString instead of LoadString etc. [itsonlyme/sf-iom]
[FIX] emule.rc HTTPDOWNLOAD change %1 %2 to %s %s
[bug] virtual void SetFileSize(uint32 nFileSize) should be defined as virtual [Maella]
[FIX] Debug IpFilter/other msg not correct read in preferences
[MOD] SLUGFILLER: searchCatch
[MOD] Added total TrackedCount in ban Total
[FIX] Allow do A4AF on files with only a4af files.
[FIX] A4AF vars initialization.
[FIX] Server Connection Timeout 25 to 35 sec
[ADD] Tooltips on main butons
[ADD] 3 Buttons, Load All Src, Save All Src, Drop All Too Many
[ADD] Clear Ban List Button
[FIX] Some Translations
[MOD] Changed Some Icons
[MOD] Chicane's WebTemplate V0.2b [Chicane]
[FIX] Friends and Community users get x3
[MOD] Now AMD/P4 version again (String Mod Version in LSD.12b in all version) because Statistics modID [SLUGFILLER] works better and is same version.
[MOD] Statistics modID [SLUGFILLER]

- August 19th, 2003 -
- eMule 30a LSD-12a -
v12.01 08/19/03 (12a)
[MOD] Moving to emule 30a source
[FIX] Allow Download Hybryds 4.94, (4.96/4.99 non, because are unofficial beta)
[MOD] Changed Retry on LowID (tarod/slugfiller)
[MOD] LowId retry and community is disabled.
[MOD] Community changed. Now is based on username, put your community inside brakets [] on user name.
[MOD] Community changed. On Community dld dont put brakets [], only 1st checked 1st brackets, because is anti community stealers.
[MOD] Community changed. Get 2x if is ok, is based on (hunter/morph)
[MOD] Default fakes/ipfilter url, removed, put yourself url in preference.ini (.rar includes v12 and v109)
[Info] Disable timestamp in msg is present in official emule v30a
[MOD] A4AF is always on


- August 11th, 2003 -
- eMule 29c LSD-11a -
v11.11 08/11/03 (11a)
[FIX] Adjusted default columns size.
[FIX] Diferent Icons in uploadlist/downlist/Queue client is Downloading/Uploading at same.
[MOD] Push Rare and Small Files RF/SF (Tarod)
[MOD] Some modifications in Src for make clear and portable.
[MOD] In downlist 0/0/0 GetOnQueueSrcCount();
[FIX] Can adjust Max Load&Save sources separatly.
[MOD] Added max Valid Src Load to Download. Only adds to download x valid source, ignoring dupes.
[MOD] Reload On Save. Reload all disk sources to mem, before Save to disk. (on/off)
[MOD] Can use Download Rare Chunks v4 (jicxicmic) or v5 (Maella). v5 is default-
[MOD] Can use again DL-Left/DL-Right, but only in rare chunks v4.0
[MOD] DL-lefts is good for Long Previews in VLC.
[MOD] Reduce CPU usage if disable some columns like On Queue/Obtained Parts.
[FIX] In wizard sometimes new nick not changed.


- August 07th, 2003 -
- eMule 29c LSD-10f -
v10.080 08/07/03 (Initial Release)
[ADD] Dll for Basque from Plus! Team (erein) [Basque]
[ADD] Dll for Hebrew from Plus! Team (katsyonak) [Hebrew]
[ADD] Dll for Romanian from Plus! Team (bymikeRO) [Romanian]
[Fix] Allow select this langs in pref_general
[FIX] Pawcio A4AF fix
[ADD] Reset XS button in sharedfiles (put to false all individual XS send options)


- August 04th, 2003 -
- eMule 29c LSD-10e -
v10.076 08/05/03 (patch1)
[FIX] LiveUpdate, now omits overwrite dlg on startup.
[FIX] LiveUpdate, updates prefs_version with local .txt version.
[FIX] Socket Error // Maella -Code Fix-
[FIX] CClientReqSocket // Maella -Code Fix-
[FIX] DestroySocket // Maella -Code Fix-

[ADD] Filter IpFilter debug msg
[ADD] Filter Other debug msg (WaitTime resetted)
[FIX] Some irc default setings.
[FIX] optimizing *.vcproj
[ADD] Random On Creation Delay at Startup (0..+6min) Based on Slugfiller
[MOD] Removed Ipfilter warnings.
[MOD] Modifyed timeouts values.
[ADD] Search VideoLAN in Registry (vlc)
[FIX] Preview Backup / vlc
[MOD] IP-Filter LiveUpdate (milobac/Gnaddelwarz)
[MOD] FakeCheck LiveUpdate (milobac/Gnaddelwarz/Yun.SF3)
[MOD] FakeCheck Columns on DownListCtrl/Searchlist (Live-Update)
[FIX] HoaX_69: BEGIN NoamSon - Detect duplicate ip:port pairs in queue
[ADD] FakeCheck Sorting and Update version from local .txt
[FIX] Wait Time Reset Infinite Loop
[FIX] Kick Hash Clones from Queue and Extra Debug Info
[ADD] User Hash in Queue List
[ADD] Files in ClientList
[FIX] Close Backdoor (Maella)
[ADD] CPU optimization in libz/crypto51 libs
[FIX] Ip-Filter Live Update


- July 30th, 2003 -
- eMule 29c LSD-10d -
FIX:SLS Limits, save filname&Hash in txtsrc (this is good for use edonkeydoctor)
FIX:Can preview mpg with incompleted 1st chunk
ADD:Added Galician and Other Langs Fixs.
ADD:Added memcpy() Optimized Bin for AMD cpus (Athlon/Barton/Duron) (works faster in 2-2.5 times) (Eklmn/Plus)
ADD:memcpy_amd ASM function made by AMD
ADD:Added BIN with compiler optimizations for Pentium4
FIX:Disabled Debug Log "passed the secure identification, V2 State"
ADD:Updated Ipfilter with v8+peerguardian all in one.

- July 22th, 2003 -
- eMule 29c LSD-10c -
Fix SLS maxsave cource uint8 to uint16, and incressed max to save
Fix French dll ("Téléchargements " in IDS_TW_DOWNLOADS)
Fix 3 main buttons in 800x600 overlap tabs
[Fix] -Failed Upload Session Count-, v0.29c (Maella)
[Fix] -2 GB file limit- (bluecow)
[Add] -Auto-update of Ipfilter.dat- (milobac/Maella) (version 8 of ipfilter.dat included in .rar)
[Add] Italian Translation (holaz/stebajo)
[ADD] Auto A4AF again, also in preference can choice frequenzies of Auto-A4AF when is enabled (A4AF/Tarod)


- July 17th, 2003 -
- eMule 29c LSD-10b -
v10.04 07/17/03
Fix Pawcio safe delete and fixs on drop unknown/too many/asking/.. lists (Pawcio)
Fix A4AF (Tarod/Ambdribant) (use at you own risk) fix (Pawcio)
A4AF can do manual download and also in automatic mode, sources go to high priority files. (auto dl a4af is disabled)

v10.03 07/16/03
Added LSD icon in downloadlist
added [SLS Source]
added Manual Save/Load Source SLS
added max hard box in tweaks dlg
added Prefs_tweak_LSD_bis.ico (KoKaïne)
fix Removed some \n in catalan .rc strings and Complete translated lots of new strings.
fix Correct display Galician in lang-tab.
fix main buttons position/size.
fix auto-remove unknown

v10.02 07/16/03
Fix DLL .es .fr in search string with initial space cause find nothing in "all" mode.
in rc source only repleace the initial space here " Todos" and " Tous"

- July 15th, 2003 -
- EMULE 29c LSD-10a -
moving to 29c Kernel.
bin include all lang DLLs.
removed S/L sources (mr fry) because cause high-cpu
removed A4AF (tarod) because cause hangs
Added Auto-Drop Unknown
force send/unsend sources in shared files now save setings.
fixed some sorts.
changed min up slots can be 16
Added SLUGFILLER: spreadReask version2 now UDP delays too.
Download Rarest Chunks version5+ (jicxicmic/Maella/Stormit)
Can change MMS (SiRoB/Mighty Knife)
SLS version 2 (enkeyDEV/kei-kun/Ottavio84)
Added new Priority Level (Very High)
:files sets to "release" if use classic emule is set to "blank" must manualy fix



Internet Zugang notwendig: DSL Flatrate und guter Provider: Arcor, T-Online, Congster




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