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- April 11th, 2003 -
- EMULE 27c LSD-7b -
(FIX) Queue Size now works 2000-100,000 uint32->uint64
(FIX) Mod Version String Verification for preventing crashes.
(FIX) Credit Calculation Error (Harvey56)
(FIX) .part Files Sometimes Too Big (Cyberpat92)
(FIX) Prevent sending bad blocks.
(MOD) New statistics Icon (KoKaïne)
eMule is moving to Visual Studio .NET 2003 ??
- April 8th, 2003 -
- EMULE 27c LSD-7a -
(FIX) Mortillo 5 Gamma causes Crash. Dirty FIX.
This is a quick fix, now not displaying other some mod versions, but prevent
other crashes.
Thats is caused, in string Mod sended, because Mortillo as changed sending
string for DWord.
The crash is when try to get string that dosent exist.
I think the problem is caused for bad programed reception of string, not for
- April 7th, 2003 -
- EMULE 27c LSD-6f -
(FIX) Fixed Compatibility with Hybrid v4.7
(FIX) Multiple Selections Drop
(FIX) Fix -Defeat 0-filled Part Senders- (Harvey56)
(MOD) Translation in Brazilian Portuguese (Tand)
This is last version of series 6
- April 4th, 2003 -
- EMULE 27c LSD-6e -
(FIX) Bug than sometimes never ending download last 600kb+- of a big file
(LSD) Add LSD icons in client,upload,queue (list). In up/qu LSD green Letters
when you are downloading from him
(MOD) Automatic A4AF based on file priorities.
(MOD) Maella Defeat 0-filled Part and SuperCompress all in one, enabling "Super
(FIX) An Attempt Was Made To Access An Unnamed...dlg (bluecow)
(LSD) In QueueList Can remove friends, and Estabilish Friend Slot (only works if
is Friend)
(MOD) SlugFiller: spreadReask
For disable Defat 0-fillers, uncheck "super compression" on LSD tweaks
- April 3th, 2003 -
- EMULE 27c LSD-6d -
(FIX) Queue Size 2000-100.000
(ADD) Added Slovenian Translation (raZorX)
(ADD) Corrected Other Translations
(FIX) Adjust "banned number Control" size in Transferwnd for non Eng langs.
(FIX) Fix crash on CPartFile::NewSrcPartsInfo - ToDo or Did (after 24+7 hours i
get no crahes)
(LSD) Mini Tweaks
(LSD) Client icons for LSD.
(LSD) Auto A4AF.
- March 30th,2003 -
- EMULE 27c LSD-6c -
(LSD) Queue Size Max 10.000 to 100.000
(LSD) Fix XS version number sended.
(LSD) Fix Translations, French and Others.
(LSD) Attacks is Displayed Ready for COPY/PASTE to IPFilter, and permement
Firewall this user. With Hack mod or No.
xx.xx.xx.xx - xx.xx.xx.x , 000 , (xx) Name
(LSD) Some mini tweaks...
(LSD) Pref Icons (KoKaïne)
(LSD) Max UDP is 75% of max conn.
(LSD) Connection TimeOut 40 to 70 seconds.
(LSD) Stop Share Corrupt Parts other Clients (Slugfiller/STORMIT)
(LSD) Client Detail show version.
(LSD) Auto Reload Sources, now if is enabled perfom full Re-Load from Disc.
(LSD) And stay doing auto load sources in slowly mode. Present in previous too.
when all sources are loaded and connected, i download fast with max con 5sec at
30 or less.
in preference.ini are some values can be changed only there:
This are default values. (0=OFF/1=ON)
OldPrioSystem=0 (Use old priority system)
LSD_AutoLoadSrc=1 (Auto Load Src in Slowly mode, recommended 1)
LSD_AutoSaveSrc=1 (Auto Save Src, recommended 1)
LSD_AutoLoadSrc_time=7200000 (Time in miliseconds)
LSD_AutoSaveSrc_time=3600000 (1 hour = 60*60*1000)
if push buttons default/optim put standard vaules
- March 28th,2003 -
- EMULE 27c LSD-6b -
(FIX) Unban in Queue/Known
(FIX) Debug Single Info on Known/Queue/Upload
(FIX) Auto Save Sources on Stop.
(FIX) Client Download Barshader, show actual dl block.
(FIX) Flat/3d Barshader is Black. And other colors changed.
(FIX) Firewalled User, showed in debug log win.
(LSD) Can adjust Max UDP connections default (100)
(LSD) Can adjust Max Soft connections per File default (1000)
(FIX) Download Rarest Parts Version2 (jicxicmic/maella)
(MOD) Vorlost AntiFriendsharing/Leecher 0.3
(LSD) Added French (Goodies)
when "Max Soft connections per File" limit is reached dosen't ask
for more sources to Clients/Server.(official=1000)
in files of 2000 or more sources, with soft at max, get more sources, bad
too many sources can lag, emule.
I recommend put soft 90% of total sources per file hard you want.
And adjust Max Total Hard value.
UDP can be put down to default 100, if your pc get lags.
If you ve problems put defaults vaules, Soft=1000 UDP=100.
- March 24th,2003 -
- EMULE 27c LSD-6a -
(LSD) Moving to eMule 27c Oficial SOurce.
(LSD) Exchange sources v2 (oficial 27c)
(LSD) Version Sort Improved.
(LSD) Can enable/disable Auto-Load Sources
A4AF,Save/Load Sources, Drop Sources, Re-Ask, Auto Times,
Auto Drop, Show Mod Version, On/Off XS, Icons By (KoKaďne), ... |