eMule der P2P Filesharing Client dient zum downloaden von Filmen, Movies, Software, Spielen, Games und Erotik. Zum herunterladen braucht eMule eine schnelle Internet Connection Verbindung bzw. Internet Zugang notwendig: DSL Flatrate und guter Provider: Arcor, T-Online, Congster


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eMule 0.49a NextEMF v1.2

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eMule 0.49a NextEMF v1.2 bewerten...

eMule 0.44d [NextEMF v0.3]

ADDED  : Connection-checker by eWombat/WiZaRd [cyrex2001]
ADDED  : Spooky-mode by eWombat/Fenderman [cyrex2001]
ADDED  : Lowid retry by SlugFiller [cyrex2001]
ADDED  : Timer for droped sourcen [2-4h] [cyrex2001]
ADDED  : Ban aggressive clients(sivka-ban) enable/disable [cyrex2001]
ADDED  : Ask for download priority by Xman [cyrex2001]
ADDED  : Chunk Selection Patch by Xman [cyrex2001]
ADDED  : Timestamp is now available for Chatwindow [shadow2004]
ADDED  : show hardlimit to sourcelist [cyrex2001]
ADDED  : Extended Clean-Up by Maella [shadow2004]
ADDED  : Reconnect on Kad by Pawcio [shadow2004]
ADDED  : Crashreport by Maella [shadow2004]
ADDED  : RSS-News-Browser by Stormit. ; Thanks to bobo [shadow2004]
FIXED  : Drop menue for debug version [cyrex2001]
FIXED  : Modstring wasn't shown in Title, if "show Transfer" is off [shadow2004]
FIXED  : Bold Download-Settings in Preferences [shadow2004]
FIXED  : 2 Bugs in Statistik-window by apph [shadow]
FIXED  : Tiny Tweak ;-) by Moonlight [shadow2004]
FIXED  : Some small Bugs in Webserver by CML [shadow2004]
FIXED  : Small optimizations by WiZaRd [shadow2004]
FIXED  : Some Bug will crash while adding a friend by Libbnor & WiZaRd [shadow2004]
FIXED  : An empty Client-Name could Crash Emule. Now will banned by WiZaRd [shadow2004]
FIXED  : Bug in Kad-Buddy could crash eMule by WiZaRd [shadow2004]
FIXED  : Some wrong IDC by WiZaRd [shadow2004]
MODIFY : Some small optimizations in AntiLeecher-Filter [cyrex2001][shadow2004]
MODIFY : Show preferences only if needed by WiZaRd [shadow2004]
MODIFY : Reask sourcen after ip change [cyrex2001]
MODIFY : Relax on Startup by WiZaRd [shadow2004]
CHANGED: Summary of Secure Identication is now ever 100% by WiZaRd [shadow2004]
CHANGED: A better way to show Complete Sources in Shared-Dialog by WiZaRd [shadow2004]
REMOVED: Some parts of Proxy which were left [shadow2004]
REMOVED: SkinSupport and Toolbar-Rightclick-menue [shadow2004]
REMOVED: 3D-Feature for all bars [shadow2004]
REMOVED: Defeat 0-filled parts by Morph [shadow2004]
UPDATE : Cleaned Up the own Source-Code [shadow2004]
UPDATE : Anti-Nick-Thief v1 to v2 by WiZaRd [shadow2004] 
UPDATE : German-dll [shadow2004]

eMule 0.44d [NextEMF v0.2]

ADDED  : show Userhash in Info by Morph [cyrex2001]
ADDED  : Anti-Nick-Thief by Wizard [shadow2004]
ADDED  : Ban for Modname-Thiefs [cyrex2001]
ADDED  : Optimizer by ePlus [shadow2004]
ADDED  : Defeat 0-filled parts by Morph [shadow2004]
ADDED  : Drop manual by sivka [cyrex2001]
ADDED  : Dont reask removed clients from DL-window for 2:00...4:00h by sivka [cyrex2001]
FIXED  : Icons in Uploadlist [cyrex2001][shadow2004]
FIXED  : Bug in Reask after IP-Change [cyrex2001]
FIXED  : Close-Button-Bug in Chatwindow by Dr.LSD and SiRoB [cyrex2001]
FIXED  : Close-Button-Bug in Chatwindow by Dr.LSD and SiRoB [cyrex2001]
FIXED  : Icons for speedbar big thanks to jojo [shadow2004]
FIXED  : Speedmeter under XP by Morph [shadow2004] 
MODIFY : AntiLeecher-Filter [cyrex2001]
MODIFY : Show download in bold is now switchable [shadow2004]
MODIFY : Show Version on SplashScreen by Morph [shadow2004]
MODIFY : Modstring shown in Tray-Dialog [shadow2004]
CHANGED: Filebuffer to 4 MB [shadow2004]
REMOVED: Remaining Time in Downloadwindow [shadow2004]
REMOVED: Some Columns ins the Serverwindow [shadow2004]
REMOVED: Media-Info-Dialog [shadow2004]
REMOVED: Webservices [shadow2004]
UPDATE : German-dll [shadow2004]



Internet Zugang notwendig: DSL Flatrate und guter Provider: Arcor, T-Online, Congster




eMule .:. Server.Met .:. eMule Download .:. eMule-Anleitung .:. eMule-Archiv .:. allnews.de .:. eMoogle Amazon: Computerspiele
