eMule der P2P Filesharing Client dient zum downloaden von Filmen, Movies, Software, Spielen, Games und Erotik. Zum herunterladen braucht eMule eine schnelle Internet Connection Verbindung bzw. Internet Zugang notwendig: DSL Flatrate und guter Provider: Arcor, T-Online, Congster


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eMule 0.50a

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Installer v0.42e
(Dieses Programm installiert eMule durch eine interaktive Installationsroutine, enthält deutsche und englische Hilfe und alle Sprachen)

Programmdatei v0.42e
(Dieses Archiv beinhaltet nur die Dateien, die zum ausführen des Programmes benötigt werden; muss entzippt werden)

Quellcode v0.42e
(Dieses Archiv beinhaltet nur die Quellcodedateien; muss entzippt werden; lese die readme.txt für Instruktionen zum Kompilieren!)


- you will no longer be able to connect to irc with the old clients

- April 1st,2004     -
Ornis: reduced javascript dependence on webinterface templates

- Mar 31th, 2004     -
bluecow: Added Paste command for ed2k file/server links to Transfer and Server window context menus.
bluecow: Fixed memory leak in Kad packet parsing [thx bzubzu.]

- Mar 30th, 2004     -
bluecow: Fixed security exploit in IRC module and Web server [thx DonDiego]

- Mar 29th, 2004     -
bluecow: Add seperate dialog for "Paste eD2K Links" function (prev. called as 'Direct Download'). Dialog can be invoked from Tools menu or eMule context menu.
bluecow: Added MLdonkey compatible client tag recognition.

- Mar 28th, 2004     -
bluecow: Fixed crash bug with selectively deleting of expanded search results.
Ornis:   on category creation, if the edit dialog is canceled, no category will be created

- Mar 27th, 2004     -
bluecow: Added support for new eserver 16.45 UDP description packet.

- Mar 25th, 2004     -
Ornis: fixed security risk in the webserver [thx4hint2 MKThunderStorm]
bluecow: Added syntax coloring for search name (expression) control.
Unk: /topic and /msg now works with the IRC.
Unk: Changed some of how complete sources is determined..
- Complete files will now show better complete numbers.
- Somehow dead files continued to show many complete sources? This should correct itself as people upgrade.

- Mar 24th, 2004     -
bluecow: Added some error/help messages for invalid Kad search expressions.

- Mar 23th, 2004     -
bluecow: Filename detail dialog, shows system file icons for remote client's filenames.

- Mar 21th, 2004     -
bluecow: Fixed some minor bugs in ed2k searches related to comparison operators.
bluecow: Added more comparison operators to Kad search expression evaluation.

- Mar 20th, 2004     -
bluecow: Added a set of additional search parameters (Complete sources, Length, Bitrate, Codec, Title, Album, Artist)
Ornis:   Preferences/Display: Option to clear or disable autocompletion boxes (search-name, servermet-urls, ipfilter-urls). Disabling takes full effect after restart.

- Mar 19th, 2004     -
bluecow: Webservices are split into file based and general URLs. General URLs are shown only in Tools/Links.

- Mar 18th, 2004     -
bluecow: Fixed crash bug with downloading of already downloaded files which were already in known file list.

- Mar 16th, 2004     -
bluecow: Fixed bug with recovering block requests of compressed packets after a zstream error occured.

- Mar 15th, 2004     -
bluecow: Added 'Active download time' stats for part files which shows the amount of time the file was active in download queue.
bluecow: Added: Completed files are republished to servers to update the 'complete sources' info.
bluecow: Fixed bug with reloading of shared files where just completed and externaly removed/renamed files still showed up.

- Mar 14th, 2004     -
bluecow: Fixed possible mem leak with OP_REQUESTPARTS message. [thx eklmn]
bluecow: Added support for integer media length eD2K tag for servers and clients. [thx lugdunummaster]
bluecow: Added publishing of basic file status (complete/incomplete) to servers.
bluecow: Added: Nr. of complete sources returned from servers are shown with availability data in search result list.
bluecow: Added: Viewing shared files of remote clients also transferes the nr. of complete sources.
unk: IRC now remembers your last nick.
unk: Added a couple more IRC info message options.

- Mar 13th, 2004     -
bluecow: Added customizable preview commands (new config file PreviewApps.dat)

- Mar 7th, 2004      -
bluecow: Verbose options are disabled and not shown by default. To enable the verbose options specify "VerboseOptions=1" in "eMule" section in preferences.ini.
bluecow: Fixed bug with processing of remote preview answer.
bluecow: Fixed bug in IRC property page; "Load channel list on connect" option was missing.
bluecow: Removed "ResizableLib" from source tree. Donwload the library at http://sourceforge.net/projects/resizablelib/



Internet Zugang notwendig: DSL Flatrate und guter Provider: Arcor, T-Online, Congster




eMule .:. Server.Met .:. eMule Download .:. eMule-Anleitung .:. eMule-Archiv .:. allnews.de .:. eMoogle Amazon: Computerspiele
