eMule der P2P Filesharing Client dient zum downloaden von Filmen, Movies, Software, Spielen, Games und Erotik. Zum herunterladen braucht eMule eine schnelle Internet Connection Verbindung bzw. Internet Zugang notwendig: DSL Flatrate und guter Provider: Arcor, T-Online, Congster


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eMule 0.44b Pawcio 5.15f

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eMule 0.44b Pawcio 5.15f
[UPDATED] Update to WebCache 1.2f version
[FIXED] 0-sources for files that were compliting and corrupted chunk was found (thanks to zuppenduster
[CHANGE] AutoHL file extenstion from .sivka to .ahl (thanks to stormit)
[ADDED] Reconnect to Kademlia on connection reconnect
[ADDED] Italian (by FrankyFive) and Spain (by impresor) translations

eMule 0.44b Pawcio 5.15
[UPDATED] Update to WebCache 1.2e version
[ADDED] Auto Hard Limit (by sivka)
[ADDED] Obelix connection managment
[ADDED] Buttons for fast access to upload, download and waiting queue window
[ADDED] Pinging without using TTL expire reply (can help some users to make USS work, e.g. all users of Neostrada TP in Poland should use it, otherwise USS doesn't work - in "Bandwidth Control" tab, option "No TTL expr".
[ADDED] Resourse strings (IDS...) for WebCache

eMule 0.44b Pawcio 5.14
[UPDATED] Update to WebCache 1.2d version
[FIXED] Crash on export statistic

eMule 0.44b Pawcio 5.13
[FIXED] Fix to crash on transfering list with proxy clients (thanks to Obliterator and Superlexx)
[FIXED] Fix to power share (sometimes last even after turning off) (thanks to Obliterator)
[FIXED] Missing code (thanks to spanish man)

eMule 0.44b Pawcio 5.12
[UPDATE] Update to WebCache 1.2c
[FIXED] Fix to MobileMule 0.9a and 0.44b eMule
[FIXED] 2 small fixes

eMule 0.44b Pawcio 5.11
[CHANGED] Mod version removed from marked code in eMule.cpp (bluecow's request)
[ADDED] Anit HideOS (from Netf mod) - analyzes for ICS and WebCache which chunks are hiden
[CHANGED] ICS to use Anti HideOS
[CHANGED] WebCache to use Anti HideOS

eMule 0.44b Pawcio 5.10
[ADDED] USS and DSS to web interface
[ADDED] "Download parts needed for preview" for ICS
[ADDED] Missing strings (now WebCache can be translated)
[FIXED] ICS initialization (spanish man)
[FIXED] Fixes from received dumps

eMule 0.44b Pawcio 5.09
[FIXED] Crash when changing options in BC tab
[CHANGED] Users without secure identification (like Overnet, Shareaza, ...) can also benefit from PowerShare

eMule 0.44b Pawcio 5.08
[UPDATE] Port to eMule 0.44b base code
[ADDED] Moved "open incoming folder.." command from TOOLS menu to Categories TAB menu (from Badwolf mod)

eMule 0.44a Pawcio v5.07 2004-09-10

[UPDATE] Port to eMule 0.44a base code
[ADDED] Badwolf's upload managment (as an option in Badwidth Control tab)
[ADDED] High process priority for eMule (Extended Settings) from Morph XT

Instalation notes:
Mainly there is need only to overwrite emule.exe file. If something is not working try clean install:
-create new directory
-put there emule.exe
-create config dir and copy there clients.met, cryptkey.dat, preferences.dat, server.met, (nodes.dat for Kademlia only)

Binaries: eMule0.43bPawcio5.06Uni.rar
Sources: eMule0.43bPawcio5.06Unisrc.rar

(if download fails, try again in 5 sec.)

eMule 0.43b Pawcio v5.06 2004-09-05
[ADDED] WebCache 1.1b form eMule WebCache 1.1b beta mod
[ADDED] CrashRpt library from TPT mod
[FIXED] Lots of fixes from received dumps

eMule 0.43b Pawcio v5.05 19/08/2004
[FIXED] Unlimited upload bug (thanks to niRRity, McLeod5000, Obliterator)
[FIXED] Some small fixes "here and there" for BC

eMule 0.43b Pawcio v5.04 18/08/2004
[FIXED] Bug in ICS that caused all new clients with ICS were ignored (update highly recommended)
[FIXED] Turned off tracking of lowest ping with UDP pinging (thanks to BoDyGuArD)

eMule 0.43b Pawcio v5.03 14/08/2004
[FIXED] Crash when "Minimize number of opened slots" is on and "Cumulate Bandwidth ..." is off
[FIXED] Memleak in ServerSocket

eMule 0.43b Pawcio v5.02 - 05/08/2004
[FIXED] Statistics for upload/download (thanks to Minako)
[FIXED] Bug when file was canceled or removed from shared and waiting queue was sorted (thanks to ikabot)

eMule 0.43b Pawcio v5.01 - 03/08/2004

- port to eMule 0.43b
- new code for BC
- PowerShare, HideOS, Selective ChunkSharing, ShareOnlyTheNeed
- revert back base ping value
- fixed bug in statistic
- changed ICMP Ping (hope it will work now for you)



Internet Zugang notwendig: DSL Flatrate und guter Provider: Arcor, T-Online, Congster




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