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23.03.03 | eMulePlus 1c
FEATURE: standard MOD_VERSION identification both sent &
displayed [Cax2]
FEATURE: check if Internet connection is down [kuchin]
FEATURE: new full Scheduler (Night Shift replaced) [DonGato]
FEATURE: separators supported for Web Services [Sp4rK]
FEATURE: remove friends directly using context menu in
download, upload and queue lists [reCDVst]
FEATURE: added Romanian Language [EC/bymikeRO]
CHANGE: hashset request for files < partsize fix by bluecow [reCDVst]
CHANGE: implementation of OP_END_OF_DOWNLOAD Hybrid opcode by
bluecow [reCDVst]
CHANGE: updated the icon for download list estimated credits
show [DonGato]
CHANGE: web server's port change works without restarting the
client [Cax2]
CHANGE: rearranged clients stats [Cax2]
CHANGE: tray icon now updated only when eMule minimized to tray:
less CPU usage & removed resource error [Lord KiRon]
CHANGE: 'establish friend slot' removed (not good in current zz
upload system) [DonGato]
CHANGE: short-order of status column in download list is now
Complete-Completing-Downloading-Waiting-Paused-Errors [zz]
CHANGE: eMule will now run on higher priority by default,
"normal" is still an option but not recommended [Lord KiRon]
CHANGE: new Splash Screen design [DrSiRiUs]
CHANGE: added completed and last seen complete columns from
official client [reCDVst]
CHANGE: crash/dump window opens only once, auto-closing
application after 1 minute [kuchin]
CHANGE: upload and queue list control design caused constant
resource leaks, so it was changed to don't have resources leaks anymore [Lord
BUGFIX: crash on exit (updownclient and client credits) [kuchin]
BUGFIX: crash on exit (shared files list) [TwoBottleMod]
BUGFIX: 2 Gb Limit by gabest [reCDVst]
BUGFIX: fixed duplicate entries in tempdir.dat [reCDVst]
BUGFIX: while completing, part files are not saved [reCDVst]
BUGFIX: fixed shared files count not updating under certain
circumstances [reCDVst]
BUGFIX: fixed eMule doesn't get focus (brought to the front)
when clicking on certain windows [reCDVst]
BUGFIX: fixed 0 upload when no files known [reCDVst]
BUGFIX: files forever in 'completing' state [Cax2]
BUGFIX: problem on exit that could cause corrupted part.met [FoRcHa/Cax2]
BUGFIX: no more crashes when adding links [Cax2]
BUGFIX: fixed a memory leak on global search [Lord KiRon]
BUGFIX: hash list access in Partfile is now multithread
protected, this should take care of some exit crashes [Lord KiRon]
BUGFIX: memory leak fixed on decompressing "bad" ZIP packets (thanks
TwoBottleMod for pointing this out) [Lord KiRon]
BUGFIX: code optimizations throughout [Cax2]
BUGFIX: memory usage greatly reduced [Cax2]
BUGFIX: stats graphs - no more anomalous average readings, more
accurate [Cax2]
BUGFIX: file preview/ask for first/last chunk works as expected
BUGFIX: minor bugfixes [Sp4rK]
BUGFIX: shared subdirectories don't make parent directories
bold if they don't exist [moosetea]
BUGFIX: CPU usage slightly reduced [Lord KiRon]
BUGFIX: message tab isn't updated after connecting to a friend
with an initially blank name [reCDVst]
BUGFIX: check if user is already a friend when adding manually
BUGFIX: no auto-remove of static servers [kuchin]
BUGFIX: crash on exit while hashing [reCDVst]
BUGFIX: hid "Help" button in customize toolbar [reCDVst]
BUGFIX: enabled Auto priority for Shared Files when multiple
selections [DonGato]
BUGFIX: "Reset" button in custom toolbar now working [Lord
BUGFIX: corrected new line on last line in ed2k link creation [DonGato]
BUGFIX: total requests in shared files windows displayed
properly [Cax2]
BUGFIX: crash on exit due to LanCast broadcasting [Cax2]
BUGFIX: fix for the so-called Twilight Zone bug [obaldin]
BUGFIX: upload window sorting saved [obaldin]
BUGFIX: friend icon updated immediately [obaldin]
BUGFIX: fixed and improved shell menu, now works in win9x [reCDVst]
BUGFIX: part files info now saved properly [Cax2]
BUGFIX: tried to disconnect right after start [JoeyRamone]
BUGFIX: couple of small resource leaks fixed [Lord KiRon]
BUGFIX: fix for some problems during app shutdown [TwoBottle
BUGFIX: fixed a resource leak in some dialogs [TwoBottle Mod]
BUGFIX: fixed a memory leak when some invalid packet is
received [TwoBottle Mod]
BUGFIX: fixed a memory overrun (that caused sometimes a crash
on exit) [Lord KiRon]
BUGFIX: updated static servers management (some wrongdoings
before) [DonGato]
BUGFIX: average file rating corrected for fair/good ratings
BUGFIX: 'server connection attempt timeout' now works as
expected [Cax2]
BUGFIX: selection problem on messaging preferences solved [DonGato]
BUGFIX: 'show all known files' works again [japg2000/netwolf]
BUGFIX: existing search tab is closed if the user files are
requested again [DonGato]
BUGFIX: destination directory setting now working [DonGato]
BUGFIX: Comment Dialog ratio retrieved properly (Fair/Good
problem) [DonGato]
BUGFIX: Night Shift Enable checkbox now localized [DonGato]
BUGFIX: plus versions shown correctly in download and in client
details [Cax2]
BUGFIX: prevented synchronization crash if hashing/rehashing
introduced in LAN multicast [Lord KiRon]
BUGFIX: sorting works correctly for compression column, file
priority in queue, and rating in download [Cax2]
BUGFIX: local file name now used in A4AF clients (both in
tooltip & inside brackets) [Cax2]
BUGFIX: check if temp folder is appearing more than 1 time in
tempdir.dat [kuchin]
BUGFIX: [exchanged sources] are shown instead of ? (Unknown)
BUGFIX: smart lowID feature working again [Cax2] |