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27.02.03 | eMulePlus 1a
FEATURE: A4AF sources are shown with a gray color [DonGato]
FEATURE: video preview program & mode selectable as per official client [Cax2]
FEATURE: minimize to tray button now better integrated in win XP [zegzav]
FEATURE: more descriptive icons for ratings, average rating shown [DrSiRiUs/DonGato/Cax2]
FEATURE: a message can be sent to banned clients so they'll know they've got
banned [DonGato]
FEATURE: you can select to show or not A4AF filenames with each source [DonGato]
FEATURE: open containing folder of shared files in context menu [reCDVst]
FEATURE: added Open Incoming Folder button to Shared Files [reCDVst]
FEATURE: show the uploaded part in () under Parts and on the bar in the Uploads
FEATURE: zz's upload system added to improve upload speed [obaldin]
FEATURE: generation of multiple ed2k links in Search Window [Blaster99/DonGato]
FEATURE: generation of multiple ed2k links in Shared Files Window [DonGato]
FEATURE: single click on the +/- next to the file name expands/collapses the
sources [FoRcHa]
CHANGE: context menus updated to not show unusable options [DonGato]
CHANGE: added again Confirm on exit option in preferences [DonGato]
CHANGE: context menus corrected to not show unusable options when there is
nothing selected [DonGato]
CHANGE: now SLS options in context menu are disabled when the feature is
disabled [DonGato]
CHANGE: added a base ipfilter.dat file to distribution [DonGato]
CHANGE: removed upload slots configuration (outdated by zz's upload system) [DonGato]
CHANGE: updated friend icons [DrSiRiUs]
CHANGE: .dat and .bin files can now be previewed [DonGato]
CHANGE: exceptions shown in debug log - instead of usual log [kuchin]
CHANGE: updated the shared files context menu to not show options when can't be
used [reCDVst]
CHANGE: updated the search context menu to not show options when can't be used [DonGato]
CHANGE: rewrite of datamap in download list control [kuchin]
CHANGE: removed transfer full chunks from the options, feature always on [obaldin]
BUGFIX: download list, download from A4AF sources, manual & auto works as
expected [Cax2]
BUGFIX: CPU optimizations [Cax2]
BUGFIX: minor bugfixes and optimizations to sources display [Cax2]
BUGFIX: system tray changes after pressing ENTER [FoRcHa]
BUGFIX: download autopriority correctly stored (and restored) [DonGato]
BUGFIX: now priority for static servers can be set [DonGato]
BUGFIX: sort in download box:unknown clients listed last in name/client type/QR
columns [Cax2]
BUGFIX: sort by transferred amount in upload box [Cax2]
BUGFIX: doubleclick on client name works inside friends list [Cax2]
BUGFIX: minor improvements to control panel [Cax2]
BUGFIX: updated handling of friends for zz upload system [obaldin]
BUGFIX: now eMule exits fast again [Lord KiRon]
BUGFIX: fixed memory overrun in BaseClient [kuchin]
BUGFIX: fixed memory leak in Statistics dialog [Lord KiRon]
BUGFIX: opening the control panel doesn't crash German win9x/ME [FoRcHa]