eMule der P2P Filesharing Client dient zum downloaden von Filmen, Movies, Software, Spielen, Games und Erotik. Zum herunterladen braucht eMule eine schnelle Internet Connection Verbindung bzw. Internet Zugang notwendig: DSL Flatrate und guter Provider: Arcor, T-Online, Congster


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eMule Plus 1.2e

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eMule Plus is a new generation eMule compatible client created to improve the original GUI and to bring you the best experience ever, give it a try and feel the boogie ;)

eMule Plus was achieved thanks to the extensive work from Aw3, BavarianSnail, bond006, DonGato, DropF, DrSiRiUs, EC, Eklmn, FoRcHa, katsyonak, kuchin, KuSh, morevit, netwolf, Purity, SyruS and TwoBottleMod and through all the collaboration of the people sending us code. We also thanks the dedication Cax2, Lord KiRon, moosetea, obaldin, reCDVst and zegzav gave to the project. We wish them the best of the luck in their lives.

We want to thank all beta testers and translators who gave part of their lives to make this application better. Keep up the good work!

09.04.2004 NEW! eMule Plus 1k released!

FEATURE: added counter-filtering feature for filtered server ports [KuSh/DropF]
FEATURE: added upload log (CSV format) to log upload sessions [DonGato]
FEATURE: added indication of completed chunks with an * in Shared Files list [DonGato]
FEATURE: added optional confirmations for disconnect and friend deletion [Aw3]
FEATURE: added preferences for smart filter [SyruS]
FEATURE: added big and nice client icons for Client Details dialog [Aw3]
FEATURE: added slidebar in Preferences dialog [DropF/FoRcHa]
FEATURE: now if you click over the File Type icon the file details dialog is shown [DonGato]
FEATURE: added Edit option for serverlist context menu [DropF]
FEATURE: watch clipboard for ed2k links (official) and download to assigned or selected category [netwolf]
FEATURE: added option to keep paused and stopped files at bottom of the DownloadList [KuSh/DonGato]
FEATURE: added statistics for SUI, Low ID and Problematic clients and number of Active Downloads [netwolf]
FEATURE: added option to automatically clear completed files [netwolf/KuSh]
FEATURE: 'Swap all A4AF sources to other files' by using right-click menu or customizable shortcut [netwolf]
FEATURE: added button to toggle between Shared and All Known files in Shared files window [netwolf]
FEATURE: added option to view A4AF sources count on Sources column [KuSh]
FEATURE: show remaining files to be hashed counter in Shared files window [netwolf]
FEATURE: proper scheduler shift set on client restart [DonGato]
FEATURE: Search: show the number of complete sources by search [Eklmn]
FEATURE: Search: added 'More' button and feature [KuSh]
FEATURE: Search: added file extension field to search arguments [KuSh]
FEATURE: Search: display known but not shared files in a different color (orange) [netwolf]
FEATURE: Shared files: display downloading (incomplete) files in gray, Jumpstart files in light blue [netwolf]
FEATURE: WebServer: file rename now possible in transfers page [DonGato]
FEATURE: WebServer: added Complete Sources column for Shared Files page [DonGato]
FEATURE: WebServer: now progress bar is also dimmed for paused/stopped downloads [DonGato]
FEATURE: WebServer: added color to the logs [katsyonak]
CHANGE: removed Jigle search and updated FileDonkey in both GUI and WebServer [DonGato]
CHANGE: updated ICR v2.14 (new way of blocking, better handle of last chunk selection) [Eklmn]
CHANGE: "SLUGFILLER:SafeHash" partialy replaced by code, that produce minimal lock & is more robust [Eklmn]
CHANGE: reworked and corrected Add Friend dialog [Aw3]
CHANGE: indirect flush of data to the disk if chunk was complete [Eklmn]
CHANGE: improved cleaning of dead clients in waiting queue [Eklmn/KuSh]
CHANGE: improved processing of the "startup"/"session time" timer [Aw3]
CHANGE: improved string processing [Aw3]
CHANGE: improved blocking synchronization for completing file hashing [Aw3]
CHANGE: optimized part status writing [Aw3]
CHANGE: optimized hash calculation [Aw3]
CHANGE: improved fakelist download, and added fakes.rar file support [DropF/KuSh/BavarianSnail]
CHANGE: improved File and Client Detail dialog processing [Aw3]
CHANGE: updated handling of multiple instances so you can send commands to the one you want to [kuchin/DonGato]
CHANGE: improved context menu creation [Aw3]
CHANGE: selects the currently set temp resp. incoming directory in the browser dialog [res]
CHANGE: improved and corrected implementation of saving thread [Aw3]
CHANGE: more accurate output of some statistics percentage values [netwolf]
CHANGE: improved hash to string conversion [Aw3]
CHANGE: detailed filter statistic [Eklmn]
CHANGE: update (speed optimization & output in stats tree) of the countermeasures against unfair client [Eklmn]
CHANGE: improved user hash generation algorithm (more unique values) [Aw3]
CHANGE: optimized hash processings [Aw3]
CHANGE: replaced all zero filled memsets with optimized memzero [Aw3/katsyonak]
CHANGE: added category name to log, popup and e-mail notifier (when a download is added or finished) [netwolf]
CHANGE: after clearing search parameters or removing all search tabs, set focus to Name (and clear it) [netwolf]
CHANGE: improved processor optimized code [katsyonak/Aw3]
CHANGE: upload auto priority now sets very well spread files to Low priority [netwolf]
CHANGE: ed2k protocol: new way of sorting boolean arguments in server's search requests [KuSh]
CHANGE: ed2k protocol: removed requesting of file status for files <= PARTSIZE [KuSh]
CHANGE: ed2k protocol: sources requests are now sent with one TCP frame to the local server [KuSh]
BUGFIX: crash on known file deletion in some cases [Aw3]
BUGFIX: corrected addition in DL-queue of the file [Aw3/Eklmn]
BUGFIX: processing of corrupted compression stream [Aw3]
BUGFIX: very rare decompression problem for highly compressed data [Aw3]
BUGFIX: fixed security exploit in IRC module and Web server (from official) [katsyonak]
BUGFIX: corrected client software detection [Eklmn]
BUGFIX: initial sorting of server list by Static criteria [Aw3]
BUGFIX: corrected handling of leecher clients in "countermeasures against unfair client" [Eklmn]
BUGFIX: fixed priority jump to release completion of the file [Eklmn]
BUGFIX: fixed filename update after rename in file details [Eklmn]
BUGFIX: 'All' file type was always selected for web service search requestes [Aw3]
BUGFIX: solved several potential crashes when filename contains '%' [Aw3]
BUGFIX: some fixes/code changes over InfoListCtrl [DonGato]
BUGFIX: tooltip display for file size > 2 Gb [Aw3]
BUGFIX: fixed source check for lancast sources & memleak connected to it [Eklmn]
BUGFIX: display of Available Parts and Last Seen Complete for file size > 2.3 Gb [Aw3]
BUGFIX: IRC underline/apostroph bugfix (from official) [BavarianSnail]
BUGFIX: possible memleak & loss of block request by OP_REQUESTPARTS [Eklmn]
BUGFIX: solved potential crash which can be caused by corrupted preferences.ini [Aw3]
BUGFIX: GDI resource loss after toolbar skin changing [Aw3]
BUGFIX: solved all problems with display of '&' in File and Client Details dialogs [Aw3]
BUGFIX: scrolling of 'Currently downloading' field from Client Details dialog [Aw3]
BUGFIX: AVI file information for file size > 2Gb [Aw3]
BUGFIX: bogus display of AVI audio bitrate in some cases [Aw3]
BUGFIX: valid user hash check [Aw3]
BUGFIX: scheduler shift sometimes wasn't checked [DonGato]
BUGFIX: multiple link copy to clipboard is more compatible [Aw3]
BUGFIX: fixed sorting of ETA, AVG ETA, TimeRemaining, AvgTimeRemaining columns [KuSh]
BUGFIX: display bug in Server window buttons when using XP visual styles [katsyonak]
BUGFIX: processing files with size = 0 modulo PARTSIZE [Aw3]
BUGFIX: fixed block reservation by deleted client [Eklmn]
BUGFIX: fixed the excessive resizing on column resize [KuSh]
BUGFIX: fixed user hash masking for MlDonkey [Aw3]
BUGFIX: ICR, prevent request of the part where does not left any empty block [Eklmn]
BUGFIX: leading/trailing spaces in pasted ed2k links no longer give invalid link [BavarianSnail]
BUGFIX: decision whether to compress packets or not was case sensitive (+ added some file extensions) [netwolf]
BUGFIX: fixed About dialog and Splash screen when system font is not standard [Aw3]
BUGFIX: proper display of Jumpstart files if set to auto upload priority [netwolf]
BUGFIX: fix for Preallocate handling of exceptions [DonGato]
BUGFIX: fixes for ed2k source links [KuSh/DonGato]
BUGFIX: WebServer: search list ED2K link for file size > 2 Gb [Aw3]
BUGFIX: WebServer: minor visual fixes for Mozilla based browsers [DonGato]
BUGFIX: WebServer: fixed eMuleLight template ed2k box for Opera browsers [DonGato]
BUGFIX: WebServer: fix on templates for category context menu [KuSh]



Internet Zugang notwendig: DSL Flatrate und guter Provider: Arcor, T-Online, Congster




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