eMule der P2P Filesharing Client dient zum downloaden von Filmen, Movies, Software, Spielen, Games und Erotik. Zum herunterladen braucht eMule eine schnelle Internet Connection Verbindung bzw. Internet Zugang notwendig: DSL Flatrate und guter Provider: Arcor, T-Online, Congster


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eMule 0.46c RedSmurf 2.02

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eMule 0.46c RedSmurf 2.02 bewerten...


Compiled with
2003 Version 7.1
zlib: v1.2.3
png: v1.2.8
crypto++: v5.2.1
ResizableLib: v1.3
id3lib: v3.8.3

eMule v0.46c RedSmurf v2.02
fixed: Send Extra-Bytes (Now I'm sure ;-) )
fixed: WC Stat [thx lama]

added: Copy ED2K-Link in BBCode [Mondgott]
added: 3 Strings in Spamfilter


eMule v0.46c RedSmurf v2.01
fixed: Crash on Click on FileDetails
fixed: create .dmp by Crash
fixed: little other Things
fixed: saved settings in Leecherbox
fixed: send Extra-Bytes (I hope )

eMule v0.46c RedSmurfv2.0 based on RedSmurf v1.2
removed: SLS
removed: Push to and Kick from Upload
removed: Automatic FriendSlot
removed: Boost Friends
removed: Exit Smoothly (not illegal but not needed)

fixed: Little Graphical Bug in Toolbar
fixed: Systray Quickinfo
fixed: AutoHL/Hardlimit [iONix]

added: Icon 4 A4AF


eMule v0.46c RedSmurf v1.2
added: WebCache [morph] (thx @ Spe64]
added: Show Server in Transferwindow [KTS] with little Changes [Mondgott] (thx LuZiFeR for Help)
added: DropSources
added: Blinking Tray Icon On Message Recieve [emulEspaņa]
added: Fake check on Downloadlistctrl and Downloadclientctrl [IONIX]
added: Download History [MonKi]
added: Control slot can be enbale/disable on right click in uploadlistctrl [Spe64]
added: Show IP2Country in Client Details [iONix]
added: Display User Hash [KTS]
added: TK4 Mod - virus scan

fixed: Removed unused string ressource and unused things on prefpage

removed: SUQWT

changed: Graphics in Toolbar,Splash,TaskbarNotifier(only graphical Bug),Banner
changed: a little bit of Code in feedback (realy a little bit *fg*)
changed: Code of Addlogline (inspired by code of addmodlogline on IONIX)
changed: Sivka-Ban & Antileech to Ionix Antileech Class [Wizard](thx LuZiFeR for Help)

eMule v0.46c RedSmurf v1.1
added: Country Column in Serverwnd [iONiX]
fixed: a little Bug with Flags in Serverwnd
fixed: Copy Feedback. Now you can choose more Files at the same Time in Transferwindow.
fixed: show RedSmurf-Icon if a Comment with "Not_Rated"
fixed: SortBug in Uploadlist & SharedList Window
change: SharedListWnd - PowershareFiles shows in choosed Color if Colorset active

eMule v0.46c RedSmurf v1.0 - based on Hardstyle v1.1
added: Color Prefsite (like eFMod & Antares)
added: CPU & RAM Anzeige im Transferfenster [$ick$]
added: Multiple Instances [iONiX]
added: iONiX Modlog
added: new Toolbar own Style [shadow2004]
added: WiZaRd AutoHL [WiZaRd]
added: Own Taskbarnotifier
added: Copy Feedback in Transfer Window (some small Things added in Feedback Expenditure)
added: Quickstart / after IP-Change [WiZaRd]
added: Show RedSmurf-Client on detect [ef-Mod]
added: QR-Colors in UploadList.[iONiX] (if are other Colors set, this Colors will override)
added: Show RedSmurf Icon on Client detect
change: SplashScreen (transparent & animated Version Info)
change: Sidebanner & Icons (+some new Own Icons)
change: Copy Feedback FR in DE
fixed: Assertion Errors [SlugFiller]
fixed: MemSet FiX in ClientCredits [Avi-3k]
fixed: SetModified FiX for PPgFiles [eF]
fixed: DownloadClientsCtrl Sort-FiXes[Avi-3k]
fixed: Open Folder FiX [Avi-3k]
fixed: Queuesize Fix [Wizard]
fixed: Copy Feedback
thanx @Wizard 4 Post the Fix
rebuild: Minimule (own Design)
update to Hardstyle v1.3



Internet Zugang notwendig: DSL Flatrate und guter Provider: Arcor, T-Online, Congster




eMule .:. Server.Met .:. eMule Download .:. eMule-Anleitung .:. eMule-Archiv .:. allnews.de .:. eMoogle Amazon: Computerspiele
