eMule der P2P Filesharing Client dient zum downloaden von Filmen, Movies, Software, Spielen, Games und Erotik. Zum herunterladen braucht eMule eine schnelle Internet Connection Verbindung bzw. Internet Zugang notwendig: DSL Flatrate und guter Provider: Arcor, T-Online, Congster


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eMule 0.47a Sion 1.3

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Compiled with Netf patch for compatibility -xpsp2
Sion mod Based on some Neomule and Zz code.



eMule 0.47a Sion v1.3 Final  By Loulach

-[CHANGE] -Client detail dialogs show the Mod version too.
-[ADD] -Possibility to assigne custom Datarate per slot when slotfocus disabled: 2 to 10ko/s with équal bandwitch for all slot, number of open slot based on allowedDataRate/wantedSlotSpeed. ( you can found this option in release option panel)
-[ADD] -Friend function: Remove all friendslot menus item
-[ADDED] -Ganja-FeedBack (Menu in downloadList and SharedList)
-[REMOVED] -FeedBack UL from Morph
-[CHANGED] -USS Pinger system. (You may to tweak again your USS settings)
-[ADD] -Color system for Small file push and Powershare tagged files in QueueList. (Blue=SFP, Yellow=PS)
-[ADD] -Total UP/DL column in QueueList
-[ADD] -Menu related to friend in QueueList (add/remove/friendslot)
-[ADD] -Web Interface Account Management from ionix (WebTemplate included in package).
-[ADD] -Web Interface Cookie Settings from ionix.
-[FIXED] -Bug on small file push.
-[FIXED] -Argos Column bug when enable/disable argos.
-[FIXED] -Option ShowSharePermission no longer appear in separate file configuration menu.
-[ADD] -More crédits system and neo file score system (Neomule credits system by default.
Why? Because i merged the whole code from néomule and by respect i take the neomule crédit by default.)
Crédits system are:


eMule 0.47a Sion v1.2b Final  By Loulach

-[UPDATED] -[UploadSpeedSense] from the latest ZZ code
-[UPDATED] -[DynamicBlockRequest] from the latest ZZ code
-[ADD] -SESSIONMAXTIME added in ZZ Uploading code " I don't like to see client uploaded at 0.1ko/s during 6hr...on an upload slot"
-[ADD] -Code related to SiRoB, Fix connection collision
-Other minor bugfix

eMule 0.47a Sion v1.2 Final  By Loulach

-[IMPORTANT NOTE] -Own Sion preferences.ini and Categories.ini is now used, new name is "SionPrefs.ini" and  *"Sioncat.ini".
You have now any trouble with preference when you share the same folder with another Mod.
*With this version all preferences are reset to default value.
*If you want to keep your old configuration just rename your preferences and categories ini files.

Finally SlotFocus run Fast and Smooth !
-[ADD] - Force kick User at the end completion of chunk (Own implentation Based on timer sheduler for removal).
*Now No more extra slot open to push client out when he don't leave after completion.
-[CHANGE] -"Auto Max Slot modified" "no more slot open now if you have many shared files"
*and other minor change related on slotfocus.
-[ADD] -Some code improvement from Xman
-[ADD] - You can now use Zz multifriendSlot on Upload and Download menus.
-[ADD] -Client name Stability fix "Xanatos"
-[FIXED] -Modeless dialog. you can now create collection.
-[FIXED] -AuxPort Column server no longer show LowIp
-[FIXED] -ARGOS Default setting for ModThief showed a bad default setting.
-[FIXED] -Log and message filtered clients
-[FIXED] -Error when peercache sockets close or open.
-[FIXED] -A random error when a client ask for a files.


eMule 0.47a Sion v1.1 Final  By Loulach

-[FIXED] -No longer assert on ClientUDPsocket causing an Upload downtime in some case.
-[FIXED] -Completion Status on upload slot work fine again.
Client no longer keep the slot open after chunk completion.
-[CHANGE] -Filtered or Banned client message banned to logline too.
-[ADD] - ChunkDots to PartTraffic.
-[FIXED] -minor bug on SlotFocus.
-[FIXED] -Missing entry in kad source about kad aux port.
-[FIXED] -ShowIncompleteParts menuoption not grayed when InteligentPartSharing disabled.
-[ADD] -ULFeedback function from Morph, available on shared file menus.
-[ADD] -Option to enable/Disable Custom share permissions.
-[Fixed] -Bad issue in tree stats
-[FIXED] -USS pinger! now UploadSpeedSense work again.
-[ADD] -More Friend (Friendslot and remove friend) option in upload and download list
- Also cleaned some useless code.

eMule 0.47a Sion v1.0 Final  By Loulach

-FIXED] -Graphic bug when hiding Shared Kad/edk2 column in shared window
-[ADD] -Scroll for help/info part on all Advanced sion panel From neomule mod
-[REMOVED] -All Wizard first connection option. (i think all user have knowledge when using an emule mod based. Not ??.. :p)
-[ADDED] -Menus Option to clear Saved comments on Known Files shared list
-[CHANGED] -Improved datarate per slot to ~5kb/slot when SlotFocus Disabled
also changed min slot to 3
-[FIXED] -Some bad info on Clients details dialog
-[FIXED] -Bug in download in bold
-[FIXED] -Some bad tree options pannel
-[FIXED] -Release/share options not appear in filepreference windows.




Internet Zugang notwendig: DSL Flatrate und guter Provider: Arcor, T-Online, Congster




eMule .:. Server.Met .:. eMule Download .:. eMule-Anleitung .:. eMule-Archiv .:. allnews.de .:. eMoogle Amazon: Computerspiele
