eMule der P2P Filesharing Client dient zum downloaden von Filmen, Movies, Software, Spielen, Games und Erotik. Zum herunterladen braucht eMule eine schnelle Internet Connection Verbindung bzw. Internet Zugang notwendig: DSL Flatrate und guter Provider: Arcor, T-Online, Congster


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eMule 0.49b Sivka v19b1

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eMule 0.49b Sivka v19b1 bewerten...

V6b3a: based on eMule 0.26d (official version)


= Defeat 0-filled Part Senders- [xrmb / Maella]
= General Code Improvement [Maella]
= "swap a4af to any other file"
(I had implemented it for testing the routine, if it not usefull I will remove it)
= Better Compatibility With Hybrid [bluecow]
= spanish tradiction [ikabot]

= Keep Ip-filtered Clients Out Of Queues [Harvey56]
= AntiCrash/AntiFake handling [Vorlost]
rename the client with non-standard name to "!!!CrashName!!!"
banning for fake port and tring crash eMule,
you can see massages only in verbose modus.
(the cheater will never see the waitqueue from inside smile.gif
= new A4AF handling (two way) [made by sivka]
= now you can set you favorite max upload slots (4...100)
= Reconnect on lowID [Tarod] (fixed version)
= A4AF [enkeyDEV(Ottavio84)] (fixed version)
= Disable Sources eXchange [Tarod]
= sends sources with LowID that are in same sever that client is requesting sources [Tarod]
= do not send incomplete established conns. to avoid sending no valid sources [Tarod]
= fakecheck Donkey-Fakes.de.vu + Jigle.com

= Minor Memory Leak Patches [Ghworg]

= upload system opimization [maella]
= disable not really needed function
(like hide visible sources, on stop-file, on cancel-file, on complete-file,...)
= modifications around upload system
= wizard [Maella]
= now paused files use the "swap a4af to an other file" finction

= Upload and Download calculation, now reaction-time is faster
= QueueSize 1000...10000
= original emule LOWIDTOLOWID was tuned (now lower CPU load)
= original emule NNS-routine was disabled (now lower CPU load)
= original emule FQS-routine was disabled (now lower CPU load)

= "swap a4af to an other file" routine
I hope, now is the file-completing bug finaly refixed wink.gif
= Potential SPOOF bug [moosetea]
if a client is confirmed HIGH ID (ie ip visible from anywhere)
and there userid doesnt match you try to fix the userid
= memory leak in preferences [Maella]
= Check For New Version [bluecow]
= BarShader/Code Improvement [Maella]

= transfered - column (statistic-bug in dl-window)
= Auto-Pause (for example if you HD is full, wrong values in speed column)
= show overhead bandwidth

Save/Load sources [enkeyDEV(Ottavio84) -New SLS-]
save 25 sources
if more then 10 valid sources, then save only valid sources

WebServer [kuchin: eMule Plus]
password 5-12 chars

NNS-, FullQS-, HighQRS- and AutoHL-/NOP-Timer
you can set 0...3600 second

on hard limit column you can see Valid Sources/Hard Limit
variable Hard Limit with auto-function (50...1000, in- or decrease depend on priority of DL-file),
hard limit will be updated with 4th takt of Timer,
hard limit per file will be initiate with value from usual used hard limit in preferences
Valid sources <= 50
if you have more then 20% realy needed sources(depend on NNS,FQS,HQRS) collected,
then increase you hard limit around 25%, otherwise decrease around 1%
Valid sources > 50
if you have more then 30% realy needed sources(depend on NNS,FQS,HQRS) collected,
then increase you hard limit around 20%, otherwise decrease around 1%
Valid sources <= 150
if you have more then 50% realy needed sources(depend on NNS,FQS,HQRS) collected,
then increase you hard limit around 15%, otherwise decrease around 1%
Valid sources > 150
if you have more then 60% realy needed sources(depend on NNS,FQS,HQRS) collected,
then increase you hard limit around 10%, otherwise decrease around 1%
Valid sources <= 500
if you have more then 75% realy needed sources(depend on NNS,FQS,HQRS) collected,
then increase you hard limit around 5%, otherwise decrease around 1%
Valid sources > 500
if you have more then 85% realy needed sources(depend on NNS,FQS,HQRS) collected,
then increase you hard limit around 1%, otherwise decrease around 1%

auto-drop NNSources only from DL Queue,
you can set minimum = 10%...90%,
you can set maximum = 50%...100%,
minimum <= maximum,
NNS Not Valid Src = waiting src + downloading src + not needed parts src,
auto starting the NNS-routine if NNS Not Valid Sources > MAX
auto stop the NNS-routine if NNS Not Valid Sources <= MIN
now before auto-drop and manual-drop, tring to swap to another file,
clean up -> depends on minimum values,
manual drops NNS have not restrictions (clean all NNS),
now with enableble BeepTon. (acoustic signal on droping NNS)

auto-drop Full Queue Sources only from DL Queue,
you can set minimum = 10%...90%,
you can set maximum = 50%...100%,
minimum <= maximum,
FQS Not Valid Src = waiting src + downloading src
auto starting the FullQS-routine if FQS Not Valid Sources > MAX
auto stop the FQS-routine if FQS Not Valid Sources <= MIN
clean up -> depends on minimum values,
manual drops FullQS have not restrictions (clean all FullQS),
now with enableble BeepTon. (acoustic signal on droping FQS)

Maximum allowed Remote Queue Rating <= X,
you can set 5...5000.

auto-drop HighQRSources only from DL Queue,
you can set minimum = 10%...90%,
you can set maximum = 50%...100%,
minimum <= maximum,
HQRS Not Valid Src = waiting src + downloading src,
auto starting the HighQRS-routine if HQRS Not Valid Sources > MAX
auto stop the FQS-routine if HQRS Not Valid Sources <= MIN
clean up -> depends on minimum values,
manual drops HighQRS have not restrictions (clean all HighQRS),
now with enableble BeepTon. (acoustic signal on droping HQRS)

Timer: value in seconds. Timer = 30sec, that mean checking MAX-limits are happen every 30sec, and start
only one NNS- or FQS- or HQRS-routine at the same time. for example: if NNS-routine started, then next
start of NNS-routine is in 2 mins(30sec+30sec+30sec+30ec=2 mins periode). if you have one
of NNS, FQS or HQRS disabled, then you have reduced you periode at 30sec too.
NOP = no operations (do nothing)
Current Sources = waiting src + downloading src
NNS Not Valid Sources = waiting src + downloading src + not needed parts src
FQS Not Valid Sources = waiting src + downloading src
HQRS Not Valid Sources = waiting src + downloading src
FQS Valid Sources = waiting src + downloading src - full queue src - high queue rating src
HQRS Valid Sources = waiting src + downloading src - full queue src - high queue rating src

Main Mirror Page thanks to The_Q




Internet Zugang notwendig: DSL Flatrate und guter Provider: Arcor, T-Online, Congster




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