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eMule StulleMule

eMule v0.47c StulleMule v4.5 - 14.02.2007 -
based on eMule 0.47c MorphXT 9.5 compiled with
vs2003 SP1
Added: High resulution speedmeter on toolbar [eFMod/Stulle]
+ overrides some toolbar settings
Changed: Proxy cannot be a leecher [Stulle]
Changed: Control download priority sets priority when Auto enabled [Stulle]
Fixed: Nick Changer string [Stulle]
Fixed: Spread Credits Slot string [Stulle]
Removed: Improperly added Valid Sources Patch [sivka]
+ should fix all bugs around XS (this was hard to find...)
Removed: Unused code of TBH: MiniMule implementation [Stulle]
eMule v0.47c StulleMule v4.4 - 04.02.2007 -
based on eMule 0.47c MorphXT 9.5 compiled with
vs2003 SP1
Added: Display reason for zero score [Stulle]
Added: Automatic shared files updater [MoNKi]
Added: Progress Hash [O2]
Added: Control download priority [tommy_gun/iONiX]
Changed: Disable PS/PBF for leechers also for push rare/ small [Stulle]
Updated: Anti-XS-Exploit [Xman]
Updated: Anti-Leecher lists [Xman]
Fixed: Drop down menus in Design settings dlg on Win2k [Leuk_he]
Fixed: TBH: MM popping up at the wrong time [Stulle]
Fixed: Hex Check [Xman]
Fixed: Accidently removed Ratio CS since v4.0 [Stulle]
Fixed: Accidently changed EastShare CS to Morph Way [Stulle]
Fixed: Sometimes client's credits are not updated though they should [Stulle]
Removed: Magic Angel and Magic Angel+ CS (not well designed) [sFrQlXeRt]
eMule v0.47c StulleMule v4.3 - 18.01.2007 -
based on eMule 0.47c MorphXT 9.3 compiled with
vs2003 SP1
Added: Design Settings [eWombat/Stulle]
Changed: Notify on invalid value for PS amount limit [Stulle]
Changed: Replaced XP-Style menus implementation with the one from Xanatos
Changed: Various changes around XP-Style menus [Stulle]
Changed: XP-Style menu background picture [ staff]
Fixed: Transferred data measurement for compatible clients [Stulle]
Fixed: Mod Stats for Cyrex2001 and Spike2 mods [Stulle]
Design Settings:
+ Only enabled styles will be applied
+ Styles sorted by importance in triggering (default excluded)
+ Combining two styles is impossible
eMule v0.47c StulleMule v4.2 - 15.12.2006 -
based on eMule 0.47c MorphXT 9.2 compiled with
vs2003 SP1
Added: Static IP Filter [Stulle]
remark: save "ipfilter_static.dat" in config dir
Added: More creditsystems (Magic Angel, Magic Angel+, TK4, Xtreme, ZZUL) [Various]
Added: Enhanced Client Recognition [Spike]
Added: Compat Client Stats [Stulle]
Changed: Specify min amount of mod clients for Global Mod statistics [Stulle]
remark: add "MinModAmount={value}" in [StulleMule] section in
Preferences.ini; default = 2
Changed: Global Mod Statistics sorted by amount [leuk_he/ Stulle]
Changed: creditsystem settings now saved in StulleMule section [Stulle]
Changed: No small file push for Release Bonus pushed files [Stulle]
remark: Otherwise the uint32 could not be enough; push is high enough
Fixed: Avoid misusing of PowerShare on Partfiles [fafner]
Fixed: Server list context menu label [Stulle]
Fixed: Limit PS by amount of data uploaded not loaded properly [Stulle]
eMule v0.47c StulleMule v4.1 - 10.11.2006 -
based on eMule 0.47c MorphXT 9.2 compiled with
vs2003 SP1
Added: Global Mod statistics [Stulle/some code by SlugFiller]
Added: Limit PS by amount of data uploaded [Stulle]
Added: Disable PS/PBF for leechers [Stulle/idea by sfrqlxert]
Changed: Do not allow bad guys to get a SCS [Stulle]
Fixed: SlotLimiter settings gui [Stulle]
Removed: MorphXT/ StulleMule counter (unneccessary) [Stulle]
Limit PS by amount of data uploaded:
+ Set Limit by sources to 0 and PS mod to limited to use this feature
eMule v0.47c StulleMule v4.0 - 07.10.2006 -
based on eMule 0.47c MorphXT 9.0 compiled with
vs2003 SP1
Added: latest CVS updates [MorphXT Team]
Changed: Complete recoded of triggering parts from Reask Sources after IP-Change
Changed: Replaced CPU usage reader code [ejor]
Changed: System Info settings resetted to default [Stulle]
Changed: System Info updated every second instead of 2.5 seconds [Stulle]
Fixed: Average Queue Rating [Xman]
Fixed: SysInfo Memleak [WiZaRd]
Fixed: SysInfo wasn't destroyed (pointed out by JvA) [Stulle]
Removed: Disable delete dead servers [Stulle]