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eMule Stulle.MoD Download Archiv... More Versions of eMule Stulle.MoD

eMule v0.45b StulleMule v1.1:
based on eMule 0.45b EastShare v9.0 compiled with vs2003
merged to MorphXT 6.7
Added: Custom FunnyNick tag [Stulle]
Added: # of dropped sources tab in transfer wnd (per file) [Stulle]
Added: New option to show in your MSN7 (or above) message field your emule´s
speeds [MOnKi/ikabot]
Added: Show overhead on title [Stulle]
Added: 20 minutes auto drop immunity [Stulle]
(after startup and after IP change if ReAsk Src after IP Change active)
Added: draw friends blue [Stulle]
Changed: IDS_PW_RETRIES to IDS_PW_RETRIES_NEW due to changes in this string
Changed: Display of hardlimit in "Sources" tab (transfer wnd) optional [Stulle]
Fixed: hardlimit settings [Stulle]
Fixed: two times "Enable auto drop NNS" in StulleMule pref window [Stulle]
Fixed: Timer for ReAsk File Sources [Stulle]
Fixed: new credit systems [Stulle]
Removed: Peace credits (same as original) [Stulle]
eMule v0.45b StulleMule v1.0:
based on eMule 0.45b EastShare v9.0 compiled with vs2003
merged to MorphXT 6.7
Added: StulleMule-Preference Window [Stulle]
Added: Sivka-Ban [Sivka/cyrex2001]
Added: Anti-Nick-Thief v2 [WiZaRd]
Added: Push-small-files [Tarod/ eF-Mod]
Added: Push-rare-files [Tarod/ eF-Mod]
Added: Timer for ReAsk File Sources 29-50mins [Stulle/ idea from sivka]
(for HighID users recomended 50mins and for LowID users 29mins)
Added: Funny Nick Tag selection (None/[FN]/[FunnyNick]) [Stulle]
Added: Anti-Friend-Ban [FRTK Evostar]
Added: Anti Uploader Ban (0 = disabled) [Stulle]
Added: ReAsk sourcen after IP change [cyrex2001/ Maella/ idea from Xman]
Added: Spread Request [cyrex2001/ SlugFiller]
Added: QuickStart by TPT [cyrex2001]
Added: QuickStart after IP change by TPT [cyrex2001]
Added: QuickStart return values [Stulle]
Added: WINSOCK2 [darkwolf - eWombat]
Added: A start TTL between 1 and 20 can be specified for USS [emulEspaņa]
Added: Allow Bandwidth Settings in <1KB Incremements [Maella]
Added: Spread Credits Slot [Stulle]
Added: More credit systems (Peace, Sivka, S.W.A.T.) [eF-MOD]
Added: Manual drop sources [sivka]
Added: Auto drop sources (NNS, FQS, HQRS) [sivka]
Added: RemoveSourceAndDontAsk (2 - 4h; # of clients in sources tab) [sivka]
Added: sivka file settings dialogue [sivka]
Added: Hardlimit per file [Sivka]
Added: Show source on title [Stulle]
Added: Draw PS files red [Stulle]
Added: Hide ZZ Ratio Activation [Stulle]
Added: Show global HL (in sources tab) [Stulle]
Readded: Bad Nick ban (optional; Anti-Leecher has to be enabled) [Stulle]
Changed: Default Nick [Stulle]
Changed: Improved Buffer Size maximum (7.5Mb) [Stulle]
Changed: Morph-Version-Check for StulleMule [Stulle]
Changed: Wizard-Check after Upgrade for StulleMule [Stulle]
CHanged: ZZ Ratio activation cases [Stulle/cyrex2001]
Changed: ZZ Ratio back to 1:3 [Stulle]
Changed: Side bar banner (thx to Proctore --> original Mule edited) [Stulle]
Changed: Splash banner (thx to Proctore --> original Mule edited) [Stulle]
Changed: Delete dead servers can be disabled [Stulle]
Changed: Show exact max UL queue size in TransferWnd (optional) [Stulle]
Changed: Several setting defaults [Stulle]
Changed: Anti-Mod-Faker ban optional (Anti-Leecher has to be enabled) [Stulle]
Removed: USS-settings from Tweaks-dialog (it's in the Morph dialog) [Stulle]
ZZ Ratio activation cases - Stulle
+ ratio activated for the whole session when:
- not completed file powershared
- friendslot
- friend boost (after change restart neccessary to disable ratio)
+ ratio activated till case isn't fullfilled anymore:
- UL-limit < 10
- average UL < 8
- average UL < 10 AND UL-Maximum < 12
Anti Uploader Ban - Stulle
+ Case 1 - UL >= Limit:
- clients who uploaded more but the limit don't get banned
+ Case 2 - UL-DL >= Limit
- clients with a difference between up- and download which is higher but the
limit won't get banned until the difference reaches the limit
+ Case 3 - UL-DL >= Limit
- clients with a difference between up- and download which is higher but the
limit won't get banned until the difference reaches 0 (if session ends before
0 is reached the client will have to reach the limit again in the next session
to have ban-prevention
Spread Credits Slot - Stulle
+ every X slots a slot is given to a client that never uploaded to us,
downloaded from us
and that is not a powershared file requesting client
--> Thanks fly out to cyrex2001 who helped me coding this mod! cyrex, you are
the best!
--> Thanks fly out to MaxUpload who helped me solving some problems. GL with
your Mod!
--> And of course thanks to all the others, who helped me.