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eMule 0.50a Xtreme 8.1

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eMule Xtreme 4.8.2 - Download
Die neuesten Xtreme-Versionen

: Xtreme MOD
  eMule 0.46c Xtreme 4.8.2 [26.01.2006]

Main Features:
- Maella Bandwidthcontrol, caculates the real Overhead
- NAFC (network adapter feedback control)
- advanced Uploadbandwidththrottler with adjustable slotspeed
- Xtreme Downloadmanager for a clever source-handling
- improved Xtreme-Creditsystem
- Powerrelease with dynamic Hide OS
- IP to country - show country-flags
- Anti-Leercher-Feature
- hundrets of code improvements

based on emule 0.46c
compiled with:
libpng 1.2.7
zlib 1.2.3
crypto 52.1
CxImage version 5.99c

eMule Xtreme 4.8.2
- major XS-bugfix of official client
- one more XS-bugfix of official client (david/Neo)
- bugfix at XS-exploiter due to the official xs-bug
- small bugfix in p2pthread
- fixed an official small bug, when NoNeeded-sources was wrong sorted in Downloadlist
(this also fixes issues with DiffQR,AvgQR and AskForDownloadPriority)
- fixed crash on F1 in Xtreme-Settings
- fixed reask-time on tooltip for NNP-Sources
- fixed small bug in reask sources after IP-change which didn't asked NNP-Sources
- don't answer UDP-Filerequest for LowID-clients which can get a slot now
- Threadsafe socket-disconnect, should fix some crashes (thx Wizard / Sirob)
- codeimprovement to fill uploadqueue faster

eMule Xtreme 4.8.1
- fixed: show additional graph-lines wasn't saved
- fixed some translations and codepage-errors in polish translation (Colder)
- grey out dead servers (BlueSonicBoy)
- don't print logline for spam-messages (forgot this in changelog of 4.8)
- updated IP-Filter to v 98. This update is important for all german users, because v97 filters out two german ip-ranges (thx rumpelzuck)

eMule Xtreme 4.8
- added sourcecache = finding more sources with less overhead
- added max global sourcelimit to avoid overheadleeching *
- added an option to show additional graph lines
- added P2PThreat - Detect worms that could be harmful to the network or eMule (netfinity)
- added extra option für Xtreme Versionscheck
- changed slotregulation ->less slots with high overhead
- changed calculation for downloadlimits to get a smoother download
- fixed and changed score-calculation for MultiQueue
- changed clientbantime to 4 hours
- changed some default values
- adjusted fileprio a bit
- Fix Log Scrollbar Redraw (Sirob)
- Fix: Failure In Atl Leading To Uncatched Exception Fix (Kro)
- crashfix for reloading downloaded history
- fixed small bug in downloadlimit calculation
- fixed: few ban messages wasn't shown in leecherlog
- more small fixes and improvements
- updated translation string (thx: charlesdewei,erazah,unomas,hornetzone)
- added polish translation (thx wilam)
*max global sourcelimit:
depending on your uploadlimit you'll get a max global sourcelimit. (e.g. for 10kbs upload: sourcelimit = 4000)
This shell avoid overheadleeching, which means: users with only a small upload like 12 kbs, are using 10000 and more sources. Which such an amount of sources, all your bandwidth is wasted with filerequests and there isn't enough bandwidth left for uploading of data. With the max global source limit, xtreme avoids this kind of leeching.
You have two new options:
- accept the source limit, which means Xtreme won't find more sources
- accept a session 1:3 ratio if you are using more sources than global source limit
remark: Xtreme session/amount 1:3


eMule Xtreme 4.7.2
- added: show Queuerank in clientdetailwindow
- added: show complete up/down in uploadlist
- added: checkmark to catogory at contextmenu of downloadlist
- added: checkbox for "active downloads bold"
- removed a part of wizards anti xs-exploiter, because it's unfair to some non emule clients
- changed: ghost-mods always get a hard-ban(both side) (until there is an official rule)


eMule Xtreme 4.7.1
- fixed: a bug, you couldn't upload to a leecher, althought you wanted
- fixed: in rare cases a (tricky) spammer wasn't banned
- changed: leecher can be unbaned when changing to a good mod

eMule Xtreme 4.7
+++ fight the leechers +++
new redesigned Anti-Leecher-Protection now detects most of the common leechers.
E.g. darkmule, united community, pimp and many more
Also spammers were detected and banned, like ketamine or zambor.

The new Leecher-Protection provides folowing features:
- Anti-Credit-Hack
- Detect manipulated Hello-Tags (used by communities)
- Detect Bad Tags (snafu)
- Detect Ghost Mods
- Detect Leechermods by Nickname (some community mods use an encrypted nick-addon)
- Detect Leechermods by Modstring
- Detect Nick-Thiefs
- Detect Mod-Thiefs (100% detection)
- Detect XS-Exploiter (by Wizard/Xman)
- Detect Spammer

- Leechermods are marked in all lists
- new menu-item "drop leecher"

- changed defaultsetting: receive server from servers/clients to false (see security information on Xtreme-HP - currently only german language)
- fixed listsearch: it only shows now the columns which works for searching (thx David for the hint)
- removed fake check from webservices (project is closed)
- added / changed some links
- some translations (thx unomas, wolf_79, erazah, Firnus)


eMule Xtreme 4.6
- Xtreme-Versionscheck, DLP-Versionscheck (thx Sirob)
- added uploadtoolbar (inspired by Ionix)
- manual NAFC-adapter-selection
+ you should only use this, if the automatic-detection fail, although you are connected to a server
+ you see the failure, if the yellow-network-statistic-line is always at the bottom
+ write: ForceNAFCAdapter= number of the NAFC-adapter to preferences.ini at Xtreme-section
+ ForceNAFCAdapter=0 means automatic (recommend)
- added Anti-Nick-Thief
- added List-search for all lists (use CTRL+F)
- added dlp check own usernick if valid / not a leecher-name
- fixed wrong value at Uploadfeedback
- fixed wrong value at Uploadfeedback
- fixed the issue, if only one client is at upload, this slot kept trickle
- fixed some sorting issues
- some more fixes & improvements

eMule Xtreme 4.5
- new Anti-Leecher-Feature: DLP (Dynamic Leecher Protection)
+ most of the leecher-code is stored in a dll
+ this dll can be updated during emule runtime (hot swap)
+ new leecher-dedecting-code find 25% more bad mods
- (FAF) DiffQR (Xman version)
- (FAF) allow to set more than one file to Powerrelease simultaneously
- (FAF) readded remaining-column
- (FAF) Copy Upload-Feedback (IcEcRacKer/Xman)
- Show connected server in bluebold
- added SharedView Ed2kType-filter (Avi3k)
- Fix CreatBlockRequest (morph)
- UDP-FNF FiX (wizard)
- maxfilesize fix ( Avi3k)
- Codeimprovement for better passive sourcefinding
- Codeimprovement: atfer ip-change, the reconnection is detected faster
- changed trayicon
- Code Improvement for choosing to use compression
- fixed a small bug which could let emule forget to use NAFC on next start
- check completed sources which want to download their "complete" file

eMule Xtreme 4.4
- minimum upload for NAFC: if NAFC is enabled 1/3 of your uploadlimit is reserved for emule. This prevents timeouts.
- reworked the shared-file-progress-bar of completed files. you see now better which chunks are really missing
- added support for power-release to the webinterface
- show progress hash (O2)
- fixed a bug showing wrong time on statistic-graph-tooltip if graph was zoomed
- Code-Improvement in CUint128::toBinaryString function (netfinity)
- fixed some bugs at the wizard
- few code-improvements/fixes to powerrelease
- fixed a bug at client-speed-calculation if average datarate-calculation was set to 1 second
- new "simple Anti-Thief": new code should now filter out all fake Xtreme-Versions
- big update of Leecher-List
- many other fixes and improvements

eMule Xtreme 4.3
- ported to 0.46c
- Fix For Shared Files "open Folder" (Avi-3k)
- show partical downloaded chunk in grey (from zz)
- MultiSort (Slugfiller)
- Don't draw hidden Rect (morph)
- Code Improvement: FillSolidRect
- Code Improvement for ShowFilesCount

eMule Xtreme 4.2
- readded to Xtreme Downloadmanager: Auto-A4AF-check
- added ef-mod 2.0 to the leecher-list, because this mod can be abused as full leecher
- updated ip-to-country-list
- updated ipfilter.dat
- several small bugfixes

eMule Xtreme 4.2 beta 1
- ported to 0.46b
- adapted downloaded-history to 0.46b shared-files-tree
- Xtreme-Downloadmanager improvement: just in time swapping
+ when you are downloading from a client and this client doesn't have anymore chunks for you, the download is continued with an A4AF
- added: show complete internettraffic in statistic-tree (seconded value after downloaded / uploaded)
- changed: hardlimit for emule collections is 5!
- fixed an overflowbug in bandwidthcontrol on adapterchange
- clients your are uploading and downloading the same time are marked with << and >>

eMule Xtreme 4.1.1
- fixed a crash-bug in downloadhistory when redownloading a already shared file
- fixed an official crashbug when resharing a file you are just downloading
- a few more small bugfixes

eMule Xtreme 4.1
- new feature: check already downloaded files (monki/Xman)
- new feature: Download History (monki)
- new feature: Nice Hashe
+ doesn't take all CPU on file-hasing (idea CiccioBastardo) (Tag: //Xman Nice Hash)
- modified Xtreme Downloadmanager: go over hardlimit when swapping the sources after file completion
- modified Xtreme Upload: allow to configure the sendbuffersize
+ remark: small sendbuffer gives emule more control about the upload
+ bigger sendbuffer can solve problems with constant slotspeed
+ if you don't have problems uploading with high slotspeed a small sendbuffer is reccomend

- doublelucas (slugfiller)
- fixed wrong NAFC-state-remaining with windows2000
- update CxImage to 5.99c
- updated a few leecher-signatures
- translated all Xtreme-Features/Settings to german, spain, french and italian language
(thx to ofenheizer, ikabot, Firnus and maraglio16)

eMule Xtreme 4.0 final
- fixed an official crash-bug, when closing emule in systray (thx pildo)
- added: see clientversion in every window (TAG: //Xman see clientversion in every window)
- added: Reload shared files on filenotfound exception (TAG: //Xman Reload shared files on filenotfound exception)
- new option: doublesendbuffersize (experimental)
+ if you have problems with a constant slotspeed you can try to insert the line:
into your preferences.ini section xtreme
do this before starting emule

- changed: only one opening uploadslot if emule assuming internetconnection is down
- changed: 30% slot-speed-tolerance if more than minimum slots are open

- code improvement: uploadbandwidththrottler replace peercachesockets, instead of resorting all slots
- updated ip to country database
- already included in beta1: up to date ipfilter




Internet Zugang notwendig: DSL Flatrate und guter Provider: Arcor, T-Online, Congster




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